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Dear Sir/Madam,




Thank you for your interest in the domain < maxbastards.com >. This domain


is currently valued at $699.00 USD. Please let us know if you are still


interested in acquiring it.




Offer Expires: June 21, 2006








Customer Service




Chesterton Holdings








Lol, they are definetely crazy! WTF?


i really think to change our url to something else wich will have .com .gr .eu and .ru so noone will inquire it! And simple www.maxbastards.gr will be auto redirected to the new domain. :)

  • 6 months later...

i really think to change our url to something else wich will have .com .gr .eu and .ru so noone will inquire it! And simple www.maxbastards.gr will be auto redirected to the new domain. :)


Good Idea!!



to www.maxbastards.eu se xalaei ? nomizo ine akoma eleutero:)btw ti poustia ine auti ?http://www.maxbastards.com/ kai apo kato ...Adena Bags Bug For The Game

L2walker The Game Server Bug L2 Jewelry

Lineage 2 C4 Gm Comands Lineage 2 C4 Cheats L2 Walker Fixed The Game

Lineage Buffs Bug L2 Walker 106 L2 Walker Download

kai ola ta links ine psilo asxeta me to maxbastards i mou fenete ??:))



to eu den to kserei anthropos. Aftos pantos pou pire to .com kati iksere. To sigouro einai oti basistike sto site mou kai ebale asxeta links...


Re Maxtor autos p to exei einai eteria paroxhs domains... auto pou kanoun einai na kavatzaroun onomata apo sites pou einai piasarika h exoun perash kai exoun ali kataliksi (.com stin periptosi) kai ta poulane se treles times apla epidi einai diasima..


xaxaxaxa .eleos ...ego to max bastards to ematha mesa apo link pou edine enas sto gameshaq.:))de nomizo oti ine toso asxeto .ine eu kai ine anerxomeno.espisis oti ematha apo to hlapex pou epsaxna to brika se kati rosika site trexa girebe me anixto metafrasti na kano sinexia apo ta rosika sta aglika metafrasi .opote an thes kati poio international to eu ine ok .kai i timi 18 e den ine k trelo poso .btw poia ine i gnomi sou gia to irc ?

  • 2 weeks later...

Pistebw oti to .eu tha einai poli kalitero apo to .gr.........Kai me ligi diafimisi sto site tha ginei ths -_-




check it

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