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Just found some time to read this & reply.

First of all,


Thank you for banning the most active & helpful member here


That was hilarious, sir. Take it easy.


Secondly, I'd like to repeat that it is not Erol-the-Monarch who decided to ban you. It was a unanimous vote by the whole staff. Be glad you weren't banned from the very beginning, as suggested by many staffers (Don't even dare to PM me to ask for their names!).

Also, I'll have to do something that rarely happens (::)): agree with every single post of Pwnz0r. Just being objective.


Last but not least, take this as a chance to explore real life, find a gf, go out to play football or w/e, etc.


PS: Feel free to ask for its unlock or PM me if there's something else you'd like to state.


Thank you very much, goodbye! (Ευχαριστώ πολύ, γεια σας)

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