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Προσωπικα,ουτε εμενα μου αρεσει αυτη η τακτικη (του να βγαινεις στους δρομος ,οπως ειπε ο erol)


αλλα απο την απολυτη απαθεια..

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Μια χώρα δεν μπορεί να φιλοξενίσει απεριόριστους μετανάστες, αυτό είναι γεγονός.


Δεν είναι θέμα φασισμού , είναι θέμα πρακτικό - Όταν οι θέσεις εργασίας που προσφέρονται είναι πολύ λιγότερες απο το διαθέσιμο εργατικό δυναμικό, είναι φυσιολογικό να οδηγούνται πολλοί στην άκρη.


Η Ελλάδα είναι ενα ξεφραγο αμπέλι, που αν κάνεις το λάθος να μπεις, δεν μπορείς να ξεφύγεις.

Η λύση είναι ή να στείλουμε τους παράνομους μετανάστες στην χώρα τους, ή να τους δώσουμε τα χαρτιά που χρειάζονται για να πάνε στον αρχικό τους προορισμό.


Δεν είμαι φασίστας, απλή λογική τα όσα λέω.

+1 και σ'αυτό.

Είναι γνωστό πως η Ελλάδα είναι η μόνη χώρα στην οποία όταν λες τα αυτονόητα όσον αφορά τη μεταναστευτική πολιτική θα χαρακτηριστείς φασίστας και ακροδεξιός.

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that's why ppl on street never won anything from doing the stupid on the street ?!

besides burning a car (which is like a win for them lol-lol) what else they could achieve on street ?


Eh, you kid.


That's why this forum ended to this. Look who's moderating. Rofl



What do you know about democracy? What do you know about human rights? What do you know about kids dying because their life worths less than a ltr of petrol?


You think, that all these rights that we have today are gifts?




This can't be said by a human being. That's sad. I'm sorry for you..

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Eh, you kid.


That's why this forum ended to this. Look who's moderating. Rofl



What do you know about democracy? What do you know about human rights? What do you know about kids dying because their life worths less than a ltr of petrol?


You think, that all these rights that we have today are gifts?


This can't be said by a human being. That's sad. I'm sorry for you..

Well he lives in a plastic world.Probably he doesn't know if there weren't people on the streets he would still work 20 hours and not 8 like now and he wouldn't have any of these rights that he has now.Money make people so ego...

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Eh, you kid.


That's why this forum ended to this. Look who's moderating. Rofl



What do you know about democracy? What do you know about human rights? What do you know about kids dying because their life worths less than a ltr of petrol?


You think, that all these rights that we have today are gifts?


This can't be said by a human being. That's sad. I'm sorry for you..

dude you don't know how democracy work or what is a democracy.

human rights have nothing to do with democracy.

Democracy is a system.

there were lot of violent protest at France, Italy, Greece, USA, etc

You think that there isn't democracy?

Do you really think that with what faced greece on street, your country doesn't have democracy ?!


Democracy is a system which stays alive by these columns: posite, oppositte, govern, local government, prosecutor, court, president (when it's about parlamentary republics) , syndicates and people.


The way these colums are indepedent from each others define how flexible is the democracy.

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human rights have nothing to do with democracy.


Ok, I just found my new signature!


Democracy: government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.


How the hell democracy has nothing to do with human rights?LoL

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Ok, I just found my new signature!


Democracy: government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.


How the hell democracy has nothing to do with human rights?LoL

democracy = δημοκρατία – (dēmokratía) "rule of the people" -> this defition define since ancient greek (times when was only 1 ruler -> king or emperor, times when was no posite, no oppositte, no prosecutor, no court, no SyntaxSTV enjoying the internet ).


If you and your intelligence is so ancient now at 2011, then god helped you out.

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Erxosaste my ass zwa.

Anixe kai Topic, o epanastaths tou MXC.

Trava kapse to spiti sou na se dw ti magkas eisai.


Tin pseutoepanastash sou valtin ston kolo sou, oute xrhsaugisths eimai oute fasistas alla mou tin spane kati malakes san kai sena pou xonwntai se oti idous mikrobela vrounai mono kai mono gia na kanoun fasaria.



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Όλοι οι πόλεμοι στην ουσία γίνονται για το τίποτα, αυτό δεν συμβαίνει όμως και με τους λαϊκούς αγώνες..




Αυτό έχω να πω μόνο, μπορεί να βρίσκεται ότι δεν είναι σχετικό με το θέμα, αλλά σκεφτείτε το και θα καταλάβετε..

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Όλοι οι πόλεμοι στην ουσία γίνονται για το τίποτα


Haha, kalo! Xereis kai alla?

Nai re file gia to tipota, sikwnete o e8narxhs mia mera kai leei den rixnw mia vomva eki pera na dw ti 8a ginei?


Gia ola yparxei logos file, gia ola.

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Haha, kalo! Xereis kai alla?

Nai re file gia to tipota, sikwnete o e8narxhs mia mera kai leei den rixnw mia vomva eki pera na dw ti 8a ginei?


Gia ola yparxei logos file, gia ola.



λολ, πες μου έναν πόλεμο που υπήρχε λόγος που έγινε..

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A , και γιατί πρέπει να φύγω , θα σου εξηγήσω γιατί όλοι οι πόλεμοι είναι ανούσιοι, πολύ απλά γιατί

το μόνο ουσιώδες πράγμα που υπάρχει σε αυτόν τον κόσμο είναι η ανθρώπινη ζωή.

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λολ, πες μου έναν πόλεμο που υπήρχε λόγος που έγινε..

File eisai ili8ios?

Giati pige h amerikh sto Iraq? Gia na tous ekdimokratisei?

Giati vomvardisan to kosovo?

Giati exoun tous afrikanous mes tin peina enw h BP xrisafizei?

Giati egine o Deuteros pagkosmios polemos?


Etsi? για το τίποτα?


Epidi einai profanes pws eisai dianoitika kathisterimenos kai pali den 8a katalaveis.


Lefta, Gh, Exousia.

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