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bye LineAge hi Sh1tAge :[


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this look like fckin street fighter btw xD

u`re right :)) they have to make a Goku char.Sayans race =))) when they get angry they`re hair collor to be yellow and when they reach lv 95 they`re ultimate transform skill to be in a giant monkey

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Ofc u will like C4 most since u start there... its logical!! But if u can't keep up with the updates/expansions just stop the  game...!

He probably addicted :P

but u have right,simply.

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Ofc u will like C4 most since u start there... its logical!! But if u can't keep up with the updates/expansions just stop the  game...!


no i connect c4 with the prime of the priv servers u remember that? i didnt even look that much on the server stats i pick some server i join and its populated and it has cool comunity and what about now , gazilion servers empty sh1t home made piece of crap and i see maby like 10 new server each day... and not even 1 of that 10 is good -.- belive it or not its my opinion: C4 was simple yes u get all the items faster but that gives ya more time for what? for pvp and now its like farmage i gota farm for ages so i can be some competition.And again my opinion nowday chronicle low rates are n/c u gota play atleast 2 or 3 months to gain some decent gear HR`s are mhh donator servers mostly :P so that makes me look on the forums all day like some damn junky waiting for a good server not perf but it seems not even good is possible nowdays

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