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[simple question] About l2j Passwords



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means root

and when i decrypt with base64 says he current hash is not based on base64, so it uses an other way ;)



maybe it uses 2 or more ways

Example : Base64 with HAZZ-15




any other idea?

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to decrypt : base64-sha1-real one

i think that "ÜvéðÀ" does not means root


i decrypted it with a powerfull decrypter and that was the best result i took.




that means root on l2jdb





is encrypted with

sha1 & base64


so it may uses an other way ;)

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http://ik.su.lt/~mogo/l2j/ these might help you. Pm if you need the sources.

You can't get the password out of the hash, in none of the decryption methods.

Hashes are some complex mathimatical equations, which ones done cannot result back.

The only way to decrypt it is doing the equation and compare the result to the one that you want to decrypt (Equal to bruteforce).


Plus, the tool seem to be non-working, encrypt something, take the resulting hash and try to decrypt it.

You checked it before posting it, didn't you?

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