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[Lineage II Sections Updates]


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Well, this kind of project had started in November 24th (officialy 25th) and its purpose was to remake many parts of the Lineage II Sections.


These updates concern the Lineage II Sections, which are:

Lineage II General Discussion [English], Lineage II General Discussion [Greek], Lineage II Exploits [English], Lineage II Exploits [Greek], Lineage II Bots [English], Lineage II Bots [Greek], Lineage II Private Servers, Lineage II Marketplace, [General] Lineage II Develop [OFF] English, [General] Lineage II Develop [OFF] Greek, [share] Lineage II Develop [OFF Server], [General] Lineage II Develop [L2J] English, [General] Lineage II Develop [L2J] Greek, [share] Lineage II Develop [L2J Server], [share] Lineage II Client Mods, and their sub-boards.


We started by creating a simple TODO List, with the things that we considered appropriate to be done. After the list was ready, we started working!

Allow me now, to introduce you what this kind of list was about. (Special Thanks to Furiosus, as he was one of the few guys that really helped in this, proly even more than me).

NOTE: The following list of accomplishments may sound rather easy to anybody, but every staffer who took part in this definitely knows how hard and time-consuming everything was.


  • Rewritting every single rule, correcting everything that should not be there and adding stuff that should.
  • Checking all the Stickied Topics, having a discussion about them and then judging which ones had to stay and which ones had to leave.
  • Removing annoying redirection topics (old ones) that destroyed the image of the boards and annoyed the browser of the section.
  • Putting the proper prefixes/suffixes in the majority of the topics in these sections (Mostly the active ones)
  • Deleting/Junking everything we considered useless/inappropriate


Now you may ask "So what? What was the big change?". You all people believe that these sections are dead because the staff is not willing to do anything about them.

Here you are, we cleaned them for you, we organised them for you and in general, everything is now in perfect condition for you. The point is, will you prove us that you CAN improve these sections?


Also, something that I didn't mention above. We had been planning to organise an L2 related event (in case we don't find anything specific about Lineage II, we may organise a general one). So, prepare yourselves for a fascinating and fun Christmas, Lineage II or not, MaxCheaters Event!


Thank you all for reading, below you can write your comments - as long as they are not stupid -,

MaxCheaters® Staff.

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I am really bored of reading your post but I have to say one thing. L2 is dead. The forum should be renewed with other game sections.

Like it will bring ppl


Respect Furiosus

i saw him more than 4 hours one day doing this stuff

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I am really bored of reading your post but I have to say one thing. L2 is dead. The forum should be renewed with other game sections.

Ι kinda agree.If the next update fails,then the forum will need a massive update.

Photoshop sections are a MUST for now,imo!

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I am really bored of reading your post but I have to say one thing. L2 is dead. The forum should be renewed with other game sections.

other game sections like?
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  • 7 months later...

I just wanna thanks all the staff for providing a smooth operation of the forum.. Thank you guys. I'm following you since 2006. And I think this topic has served to congratulate you.

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