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[Suggestion]About Private Servers


Agree to disallow the advs here with free domains?  

8 members have voted

  1. 1. Agree to disallow the advs here with free domains?

    • Yes
    • No

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So i would like to put a new rule about private servers.

Basically i am talking for fail-kidserver which are opened for 1 week with a free domain.

So what we could do as forum to try stop them?Hmm (here is my suggestion)


If we have a rule saying that

"Server with free domain like .ucoz , webs.com , .tk and blabla  are not allowed to advertise them here"


What result maybe have?

As the kids will see this rule,they will rethink to open the server.When they will understand that must pay for a domain,they should take it more seriously,so this rule will be good.(Don't care about advertise of their server at hopzone/topzone etc.I am talking for mxc.)


Also mxc forum don't need these kid server,their advertisement here.No reason.

It's a shame for mxc xD.


(No more words,i think you understood :> )

Anyway that's all,you can have your own results.I am supposing and showing my results with this rule.

Vote the poll also if you want.


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Do you realize you'll remove practically 90% of ads in that section?

Good then.

Why,you need them?Who the fack need these servers here ?

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Kid servers? And what makes you think that you can judge whether these servers are failures, just by having a look at their domain names?

This was the most stupid suggestion I've ever heard.

No, it won't happen.

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