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Duelist Dual's


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Forgotten Blade Dual's are better then Tallum .. Dual's???? You know on forgotten Dual's you can add SA like focus,haste,crt Dmg,.. and the question IS, IF i enchant the Forgotten Blade Dual's they give the STR on Skills or no???Cause one guy donated for +12 Dual's (Forgotten),and he is doing the same dmg like me whit +3 Dual's.What are you thinking what Dual's are better :S:S:S


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Forgotten Blade Dual's are better then Tallum .. Dual's???? You know on forgotten Dual's you can add SA like focus,haste,crt Dmg,.. and the question IS, IF i enchant the Forgotten Blade Dual's they give the STR on Skills or no???Cause one guy donated for +12 Dual's (Forgotten),and he is doing the same dmg like me whit +3 Dual's.What are you thinking what Dual's are better :S:S:S


1st of all dual swords forgotten are a custom item so u can't find 'em in all servers..2nd i dont know wich duals are better it depends of the srv..and 3rd..about the bonus it gives u when enchanted.. it should be written in the weapon description
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Forgotten Blade Dual's are better then Tallum .. Dual's???? You know on forgotten Dual's you can add SA like focus,haste,crt Dmg,.. and the question IS, IF i enchant the Forgotten Blade Dual's they give the STR on Skills or no???Cause one guy donated for +12 Dual's (Forgotten),and he is doing the same dmg like me whit +3 Dual's.What are you thinking what Dual's are better :S:S:S


I think you must play one non retarted server

seriously now,SA in duals?are u kidding me?

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1st of all dual swords forgotten are a custom item so u can't find 'em in all servers..2nd i dont know wich duals are better it depends of the srv..and 3rd..about the bonus it gives u when enchanted.. it should be written in the weapon description

no need to add something else .i think PwNNNz0r.^ covered you ,right?if you want to learn some infos why you don't post your question in the forum ,i think it's the best place .
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that guy with +12 makes same dmg with yours +3 duals.. why are you asking if forgotten duals are better...?

maybe they have different buffs/dyes/skills.. maybe that other player is a newbie he donated because he doesn't know how to play.. possibilities are a lot but yeah..HighQuality is right he should ask this on server's forum
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