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for the ofiicial Servers it's a normal Price

but i think you are right not many here play on it, so i think i have to take a new look where to sell it ^^


you got be -beep-ing me , 2000 euros? no ty


xaxaxaxaxaxa 2000 euroes yes ofc


1)its the original l2

2)these servers will never close

3)the first l2 players and the l2 legendary clans are there

4)its x0 imagine the xp there (its the hardest)

5)u dont have to care if the server get empty or will go to close

6)theres 2 official servers as i know there were 6-7 as i can remember imagine that all of this community its in 2 servers usa/europe FACKING INSANE.

7)its good price.---->(LordNicolas)


PS:Get out of this topic kid u are not more than 16 go play noobs vs koofs.---->(LordNicolas)

PS2:Do not make me forum warrior with all of these posts.--->(LordNicolas)

PS3:Dude becareful its not allowed to making topics with selling on official things.--->(Ilene)


PS3:Dude becareful its not allowed to making topics with selling on official things.--->(Ilene)



"Items & Chars

Here you can buy/trade/sell iteost tms and characters for private and official servers."


rules also says : "Official Server sales/trades are also included."


so i think it's ok to post it here ^^


and i hope that i did post to many infos so that NCSoft find me ;)



ROFLMAO 2k euros haha for 2k u can buy valakas+antharas if not more :D go play l2inc dude

1kkk cost €236.8 (http://www.itemgarden.com/client/g/prices.jsp?sid=4908&lan=en&v=20101230043640)

Antaras cost ~5kkk -> 1184€

Valakas Cost ~5kkk -> 1184€


this is not a Free server wher you pay the GM 200€ and you have all, and atm they are really good on hunting all Bot's down!




COmon get real.lineage2.com is dead.Valakas maybe cost 1000euro ++ back at that time when game still was alive (c4,c5....) and stuff on lineage2.com arent that expensive.Just check goha.ru where people were selling char lvl85 with epic and  op skill for cheap price ( probably quit for la2.ru with all the people who using l2w,l2r,l2c on l2NA/EU).



P.s BangBroZ another wannabe mod


probably quit for la2.ru with all the people who using l2w,l2r,l2c on l2NA/EU


lol take a look on lineage2.com how it is atm, how many still use this stuff. GM's are controling players really hard, even on the Siege field's now


they banned a lot of players in the last time for it ;)


First Accound: [Moir Rob Set all 3x60+Ele +PVP; S80 Weapon 300 Ele+PVP; all Skills Encented]

Main Class: 82 Elemental Master


78 Sagittarius

77 Mystic Muse

78 Sword Muse

no boss jewels, suck lvl, only + is 300 weapon, so lets say max 400 dolars for this

Secound Accound:

79 Spectral Dancer

50 dollars

Third Accound:

78 Evas Saint

50 too

Fourth Accound:

78 Doomcryer



all Chars has [Weapon, Armor and Jewels], no Karma, 0pk's, Good Names and not Boted


pm me for more Info's or with offers

so please, gtfo with your 2000 euros


Squeez sold his char for 2000$ with the gear, but u? gl xD

yes and i sell 4 Acc's (with 4 main Chars with gear[there are more below level 70 chars on it]) for 2k


so it's a good price ;)

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