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[Guide]Shaco Guide


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They say that death isn't funny. It isn't, unless you're Shaco. He is Valoran's first fully-functioning homicidal comic; he jests until someone dies, and then he laughs. The figure that has come to be known as the Demon Jester is an enigma. No one still alive knows from whence he came. There are rumors, but one must not speak of them too loudly lest Shaco come to jest. It seems unimaginable that such a threatening figure would be allowed to remain at large. There are those that believe he is an assassin for hire, left to roam until he is needed. Others believe that Shaco is simply too clever, evading authorities at every turn. Still others believe that he is the demonic manifestation of humanity's dark urges, and therefore cannot be stopped.


''Whatever you do, don't tell him you missed the punch line.





Well i have played not to much times LoL but i have played a month and a half.So i learn some things about Shaco and i wanna share them here with you




shaco-backstab.png BackStab

Shaco deals extra damage when he attacks an enemy from behind.


spell_191.jpg Deceive

Shaco instantly stealths for 4 second, giving him 100% chance to crit if he does it during stealth. (It is recommended very much to attack from behind when using Deceive).


spell_192.jpg Jack of the box

Shaco sets down a mini turret. It deals damage based on your level. It expires after 5 seconds when attacking and 90 seconds when stealthed.


spell_193.jpg Two-Siv Poison

Shaco throws a dagger at his enemy, dealing damage based on your level, and slowing enemy target.


spell_194.jpg Hallucinate

Shaco makes a clone of himself, that has a percent of all his stats (based on level).

Masteries + Runes (Reccomended ONLY) 

For masteries i go 21/0/9, making my crit damage as high as possible. For runes i take crit damage marks, seal , and quints, which with my masteries makes me start game with 45-50% crit damage. (Equal to infinity edge bonus). For glyphs i get m.regen/5 per level.



item_59.jpg Sheen 1260

Sheen is great damage early game, and a great item for scoring first blood.


item_25.jpg Boots of speed 350

You ofcourse need SOME movement speed, for chasing, but as for getting away unless ur oom you should be fine with deceive.


item_60.jpg Infinity Edge 4080

This is when you will start dealing shit tons of damage. Combined with your runes and masteries, you now have 300% crit damage. With the base damage from deceive, you will be hitting 5-600, added with the extra damage from hitting behind, 600-700. Prepare to start raping the enemy team.


item_83.jpg Berserker's Greaves 920

You now will need that movement speed for keeping up with your targets.


item_89.jpg Phantom Dancer 3395

Phantom dancer will give you that extra crit damage u need after deceive, plus the attack speed, they wont know what hit them. And if you get them low it is very hard for them to get away with two-shiv slow, zerker greaves, and the movement speed boost from Phantom Dancer.


The extra attack damage will help alot and since your so squishy the lifesteal boost will help you to survive in a sitaution where u would normally die


item_89.jpg Phantom Dancer 3395

Another one will get you up to 80% crit damage and roughly 1.7 attack speed. You will also be at roughly 480 movement speed.


Skilling Order






















Always be sure to focus minions in the beginning until you get your sheen AND boots of speed. You should have at least 40-50 minions farmed before recalling.


Credits:LeagueCraft 60% , 40% goes to me

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