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hellbound [L2J]L2Stars 20x


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http://WWW.L2STARS.COM Out of the dark age!


L2Stars back in Action!

After coming under heavy ddos attacks a few days after server launch. We trialed a few different

protections, changed hosts, tried some tunneling. But the results on performance were not great

We have finally got our server as stable and faster than our previous incarnation.


Lots of new fixes have been applied over the last month. to name but a small portion:-



-Divine inspiration books have recieved a drop rate increase at raid bosses.


-Disassambley of s / s80 /s84 duals added to the Blacksmith of Mammon.


-Celtus Respawn decreased by half.


-Added armour specific dagger blows, Example if a robe user a light user and heavy user have the same pdef, the dagger damage is dependant on the armour type, So if he hits a robe 1k, he will hit light armour 950, and heavy 900. Thats not specific! thats an example.


-Altered the stats of Tiat, lowered pdef / attack speed / hp regen by 2x. At the same time, in order to keep it balanced the drop was lowered by 30% .


-Added Glittering Medals to Medals conversion. Rate 1 / 10


-Decreased Demon Prince stats. He was too strong compared to the other RBs on the map.


-Fixed Divine Inspiration drops rates.


-Added :



         o Sealed Dynasty Leather Glove Piece

               + Spoils :

                       Nihil Invader Destroyer(Delusion Chamber)

                       Nihil Invader Guide(Delusion Chamber)

         o Sealed Dynasty Leather Boot Piece

               + Spoils :

                       Nihil Invader Archer(Delusion Chamber)


Obviously their were alot of other fixes it would be too many to list.

Lots of skills were tweaked, etc etc etc.


The server is now Lag free, delay free, and open war has begun again between battleing clans!







Server Features are:-


Exp = 20x

SP = 20x

Party Xp = 2x

Party Sp = 2x

Rate Adena = 20x

Drop Items = 15x

Raid Drop = 4x

Epic Jewels= 2x

Rate Spoil = 15x

Rate Manor = 3x

Rate Fish = 5x

RateKarmaExpLost = 2x


RateQuestDrop = 5x

Quest Reward = 5x

Quest Reward XP = 5x

Quest Reward SP = 5x

Quest Reward Adena = 5x

Quest Reward Potion = 2x

Quest Reward Scroll = 2x

Quest Reward Recipe = 1x

Quest Reward Material = 3x


Pet XpRate = 5x

Pet FoodRate = 1x

Sineater XpRate = 5x



AllBuffs Last For 2 Hour!(except kamaels)

Full Buffs at NPC!

Buff limit 24 buffs, and 12 songs/dances



AltWeightLimit : 4x



Mana = 400/potion

QuickHealingPots = Reuse 3sec



Subclass without Quest

Nobles with retail Quest

Vitality system retail like


Fame System

Shift on monster for drop: Enabled


=====Custom NPC=====

Shop(Up to B Grade, Consumables)






ClassBased:15 players

NonClassBased:7 players

OlympiadBalanceSystem: All items over +6 go to +6



EnchantMaxWeapon = 16

EnchantMaxArmor = 16

EnchantMaxJewelry = 16

EnchantChanceWeapon = 66

EnchantChanceArmor = 66

EnchantChanceJewelry = 66

EnchantChanceElement = 50

BlessedEnchantChanceWeapon = 70

BlessedEnchantChanceArmor = 70

BlessedEnchantChanceJewelry = 70

EnchantSafeMaxFull = 4


=====Clanhalls======[in development]




Instances - Dungeons


Solo Kamaloka









Hellbound Town

Fortres Dungeon.

Castles Dungeon.

Delusion chambers.








Baium with angels

Antharas with minions









COMING SOON! a Very good event to gain a clan hall and CRP for new clans who join the server with atleast 20 members on seperate IPs


*Every 3 hours you vote for an event and the one with most votes start.

-Team vs Team


-Simon Says

-Last man Standing




HandyBlockerChecker Event: 4 players minimum

TownWar(managed by GM)

Vitality Event(mangaged by GM)

Passive Events(1 every month):EventMedals, MasterifEnchanting, SquashEvent.

Special Events:Bunny, Saving Santa

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If you download a clean epilogue client and follow the connection instructions it should work , protocol version wrong means that you have the wrong client version (means its not gracia epilogue(final version of gracia epilogue))

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900 + at peak times


Deleted say the truth of what u are doing in your server idiot.. say about corrupts and how noob u are u chatban ppl and jail em for nothing freaking mofo


if u are new dont join on l2stars i m hero there.. server is dead and becomes more dead...

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