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[L2J] L2Corvus


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Sensation .. dont criticise ppl by appearance ... he have over 150 players  and gtfo


if your so "clever" and post'ed his hi5 pictures, why dont you post yours?

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still remains one of the best interlude servers around, so for all that spam here and criticized **** off and have a nice day!!!

best interlude srv around? are u kidding me? yeah is nice to have some fun at oly and play with OP classes..
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lol just a bad serv i gotta say, idk why so many of u like it.. it lags, the npc placement is uncomfortable, gk doesnt telleport u to some areas LOL, just fail imo


lag?lol...i thnk you internet conection is bad....i never had lag on this srv and i played for 5 days


i download movies at 12 mb/s speed, trust me my inet isnt slow + i tested a lot of servers lately and this one has the most lag so far


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lol man...only you have lag...why me and pwnzor dont have?:|


lol maybe because ur from RO??


p.s. also when someone logs for the first time and sees greek spam on hero voice, they get the bad impression of the server - this happened to me

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Dude 1st of all i wanted to say that i don't like this srv because i agree with u it's a little fail, maybe a bit more fail.

2nd i'm playing from italy so dunno why u have lag and i don't.

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