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Kunkka The Admiral


Stats: Strength 21 + 2.7                Damage: 47 - 57

          Agility 14 + 1.3                    Armor: 2

          Intelligence 16 + 1.5            Movespeed: 300

                                                    Attack Range: 128 (melee)   




Kunkka's Skills    :Torrenttorrentit.jpg


Using his unparalleled knowledge of the sea, Daelin is able to summon a blast of water at a targeted area. After 2 seconds a fierce torrent of water erupts from the ground, the stream blasting enemies caught in the AoE into the sky, dealing damage and slowing movement speed by 30%.                                 

Hotkey T


Level 1  Damage:120 Casting range:1500 for all Levels  Mana Cost:120 for all Levels  Slow:30% for all Levels

Level 2  Damage:180 

Level 3  Damage:240 

Level 4  Damage:300 





Use of skill:In low levels, torrent is much useful as it deals much damage + slow.You will need some practise to use it.Much useful for gangs if you use it right.As time passes , torrent doesn't hurt enemies much.It is used to slow your enemies.Also it is useful for high level farming on lane creeps.


• Damage type: magic

• The initial bubble effect is only visible to allies.

• Units tossed in the air will be paused and still able to be attacked.

• Part of the damage occurs right as the torrent erupts, the rest occurs over time as the units are in the air.

• Don't underestimate the casting range of 1500. It is farther than you think, so don't be afraid to use it even if the enemies seem to be out of your reach.





Kunkka's legendary sword Tidebringer is infused with the very power of the sea. Akin to the ebb and flow, Tidebringer passively grants the hero increased damage and large AoE cleave for a single strike every once in a while.


Level 1  Damage:+15  Coodown:16 sec  AoE:380

Level 2  Damage:+30  Coodown:12 sec  AoE:420

Level 3  Damage:+45  Coodown:8 sec    AoE:460

Level 4  Damage:+60  Coodown:4 sec    AoE:500





Use of Skill:Tidebringer is a very useful skill for last hitting as it increases for the next attack the damage you deal.Also it helps you attack the enemy hero in lane from range.Very strong at both,early and late game.


• Cleaved damage is only reduced by armor type, not by armor value.

• Cooldown is not activated on denies, so the damage bonus is maintained.

• If a hero is running away from you and there is a creep in front of you, attacking the creep will possibly splash the damage onto the enemy and maybe kill him/her. This is a slightly more advanced technique, but keep it in mind.





                              X Marks The Spotskill2n.gif


In order to make an assembly for his troops, Admiral Proudmore targets a hero and marks its current position on the ground. After a few seconds, the hero will instantly return to the mark.


Level 1 Returns target after 1 sec  Casting range:500

Level 2 Returns target after 2 sec  Casting range:650

Level 3 Returns target after 3 sec  Casting range:800

Level 4 Returns target after 4 sec  Casting range:950



Use of Skill:X Marks The Spot is a great skill.Useful for gangs as returns the target to the X so he can't escape.Also, it is a strong combo with Torrent.Using it (Depending on level) you can have a succesful torrent on an enemy target.


• If target becomes magic immune after this spell has been cast, target will not return to the X after the duration ends.

• It interrupts channeling spells.

• If the enemy is TPing, use it and they will return to where they TP'd away.

• You can cast X Marks the Spot on teammates and on yourself.




                              Ghost Shipskill4.gif


The admiral summons the mythical ghost ship S.S. CoCo to the battlefield. Allies are doused in Captain CoCo's Rum, inebriating them for 10% bonus movespeed and numbness to incoming damage, causing them to feel only half of the pain now and half after the Rum wears off. Enemies, pirates and scurvy knaves are dashed on the rocks for damage and a brief stun when the ship crashes.


Level 1  Damage:300  Mana Cost:150  Cooldown 100 for all Levels  Area of Effect 400 for all Levels

Level 2  Damage:400  Mana Cost:200

Level 3  Damage:500  Mana Cost:250




Use of Skill:Ghost Ship is an excellent skill.With the MS bonus, AoE Damage and AoE Stun totally owns on gangs.It can also become a great combo with the skill X Marks The Spot.Nevertheless this skill needs TOO MUCH practise.


• Damage type: magic

• Actual AoE of ship's collision is larger than the boat itself.

• The boat has a movement speed of 650.

• Damage dealt after CoCo's rum wears off is non-lethal and can never kill a hero. It leaves the hero with 1 HP.

• The boat does not crash exactly where you aim it. Instead, it heads that direction for 1000 range, then crashes. It takes practice and prediction to hit a perfect Ghost Ship.

                                          Skill Build

                                          1. Tidebringer

                                          2. Torrent

                                          3. Tidebringer

                                          4. Torrent

                                          5. Tidebringer

                                          6. Ghost Ship

                                          7. Tidebringer

                                          8. Torrent

                                          9. Torrent

                                          10. X Marks the Spot

                                          11. Ghost Ship

                                          12. X Marks the Spot

                                          13. X Marks the Spot

                                          14. X Marks the Spot

                                          15. Stats

                                          16. Ghost Ship

                                          And the Stats till Level 25.



                                          Game roles+item build

Kunkka can be played both as lane hero and mid hero.


Lane:Last hitting creeps with Tidebringer + spamming some Torrents on the enemies is ownage.If you have a stunner with you the Torrents are enough easy to be 100% succesful.


Items for start:Buy x2 Ironwood Branch, x2 Gauntlets of Strength , x1 Salve , x1 Ancient Tango of Essifation


Mid:Last hitting here creeps here also with Tidebringer.Try to stay away from creeps while you don't have the effect of Tidebringer if the enemy hero is range.If he is melee, you can be near creep fights and when he attacks you can attack him too.Ganging is the most important at mid lane.Going up and down to help your teammates is easy if you have done some practise on your Torrents.


Items for start:Buy a courrier, x1 Gauntlets of Strength,x2 Ironwood Branch,x1 Ancient Tango of Essifation



Late Game:Kunkka is also good at late game.In my opinion Satanicicon.jpg is the best orb effect for Kunkka.Burizzaicon.jpg makes a great combo with Battle furyicon.jpg and Tidebringer as criticals splash on nearby enemies.If the enemies have intelligent heroes that their spells are dealing much damage or they have many stunners you should choose Black King Baricon.jpg.While activating you are immune on their spells for 10 sec(Decreasing duration every time it is used, min.duration:5sec).Finally a Heart of Tarasqueicon.jpg will be a great choise because it increases hp , damage and life regen.If the enemies have created The Butterflyicon.jpg recipe, you should make a Monkey King Baricon.jpg to avoid missing your attacks.


                                                            Good Allies

icon.JPGCrystal Maiden is the best partner for Kunkka.Her Frostbite helps kunkka to have a succesful torrent.Also her passive helps him with his mana problems.


icon.jpgVengeful Spirit:Her target stun makes Kunkka's torrents easier.


icon.jpgDark Seer can be a great combo with Kunkka.A well timed Vacuum and Torrent could set up a deadly combination.


icon.gifCrixalis and Kunkka can make a great team.Crix's AoE stun helps Kunkka's torrent and their ultimates can destroy the enemy team in a gang.



          playdota.com for icons of skills and stats






















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If you get some kills by 25th minute, you will be able to get PT STR + Battle Fury + Battle Fury. This is combo of pure death. You send your ship, you torrent them, and you finish them off with a huge cleaving damage.

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