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[WTB] L2J Custom IL Pack(Faction)


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So, i am Looking for a Custom Made Package, i prefer to buy it from Trusted Developers.


So this is what the pack should Contain :




Faction mod

Interlude Skills

Interlude Features etc.

Custom olympiade Hero Period 1 week, Since its a Faction mode people from the same Faction cant find in oly. no item Restriction

Anti feed system

If Player A kills Player B he recives reward, if Player A kills Player B again in less than like 2-3 min or so he wont Recive a Item but a Msg that he killed the player recently.

Java Based Teleporter Shows Ammount of Players in the map from Both faction / example  23 Devils | 13 Angels

Map Vote > will open up a html to vote for a Map

Automatic Map Circle

Both Factions have Several Teleporters in each map wich can be taken from the opposite Faction by killing a flag or so

and  more Features wich i dont like to discuss in public ;). we can discuss in PM


if you havent noticed yet i am looking for a similar pack like l2java.com has for his faction server


The Price Dosent Matter if you can Code the way i want the pack, ofc i wont pay you 1000 euro for it but i "could" pay up to 500 euro.



And i say it again i only buy from Trustable sellers/Coders



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Btw, do it like on Infinitel2 ... When you die in map, you respawn IN map + if you dont have nobl your buffs actually stay.


I played L2Reality, everytime you die you spawn in giran lol and have to use damn GK to go on map again, sucks hardly!

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Btw, do it like on Infinitel2 ... When you die in map, you respawn IN map + if you dont have nobl your buffs actually stay.


I played L2Reality, everytime you die you spawn in giran lol and have to use damn GK to go on map again, sucks hardly!

L2Reality seems like any other classic Faction Pack With Gk.. :D

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Noone from the guys which reply here can make your request dont trust anyone that guy want to sell you shared things

you know which members from here can do it b1gboss setekh and few others.

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Noone from the guys which reply here can make your request dont trust anyone that guy want to sell you shared things

you know which members from here can do it b1gboss setekh and few others.

i told him i can help him...not to scam or take money from him LOL And btw if we are new here it not means that we dont know dev eloping... anyway

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if i can help him i will...but not for money...

are you fvcking kidding me? are you willing to make his request? guess no
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are you fvcking kidding me? are you willing to make his request? guess no

kk i'll stop here because we cant understand each other so stop spam his topic..

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this is not a discuss forum. nor a spam topic stick to the topic.


i can help you easy... but why your image says eKo L2JDeveloper? :S


this dosent mean i could code everything. second i hardly have time nowdays, but money so why should i not use it ^^

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