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i play one 1 serv

its a hard donat server

and they are going to update to Freya

and my char dominator

as i know gona suck in Freya


can any1 tell me what is gona happen?

im talking abute the steal essence %

and pvp

and attributs (cuz he have a non elemental attack)


tenx for help :P


sori for not so good english :D

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Didn't play Freya cause i quit l2, but i think it will the same as Gracia Epilogue



the problem is that i playd only up 2 gracia final....


so i dont know what is going on with the dominator prof after GF

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CP Heal will always be useful no matter what.


his drain is dark attackk so ur ok.

as far as the attributes u can get 3 attributes to each armor part so i think ur gonnabe ok.

the donators issue is a whole different part.


Afaik his drain is non-element.

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hmm i see.. they say in a forum i checked kinda fast, that they will make it enchantable for fire... dont know. just put an element on ur weapon and see if it makes any difference at all

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hmm i see.. they say in a forum i checked kinda fast, that they will make it enchantable for fire... dont know. just put an element on ur weapon and see if it makes any difference at all

On a low-rate server its hard, think about it before you post it, but if i take it from the other side everyone got the right to post his opinion so its ok.

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On a low-rate server its hard, think about it before you post it, but if i take it from the other side everyone got the right to post his opinion so its ok.


im pretty much searching online all day long for sources for a paper i have to write and at the same time im on a diet. so im not in the mood to rethink what im writting and im sorry about that.

still joining a high rate server for a couple of days to test it out is not sooo hard, or time consuming for that matter, since u can see the difference in dmg with 1-2 stones on an am  :)

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the server is with 150 attribut max on weapon

and normal on armor

so i think to stay with no attribut

+some 1 told me that in freya dominator in a pvp dosnt take %HP from Steal essence

is it true or false?


still joining a high rate server for a couple of days to test it out is not sooo hard, or time consuming for that matter


is there any full 100% freya servers that are good for testing?

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erebos was good enough. lvl/equip etc were very easy. and i think it is possible in 2-3 hours to see if steal essence drains hp/has elementor enchants for 1 and whether any attribute on weapon can increase dmg

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  • 3 weeks later...

no the dominator is almost the same as epilogue.i made an dominator and the less of my dmg is 400 (in other mages) and around 800 (in fighters)


i haven't played a lot and i have around 50 pvps

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no the dominator is almost the same as epilogue.i made an dominator and the less of my dmg is 400 (in other mages) and around 800 (in fighters)


i haven't played a lot and i have around 50 pvps


Damage is not his role. Dominator is a support/debuffer.


@my previous post. lol how could I forget about FoI? 30 sec of invincibility for your whole clan.

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