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looking for walker on this server www.L2Dragon.gr

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you make a thread about pvpx (which already has its own thread) and then tell someone else to use search? pro.


If he actually searched he would find walker for this server in fact its all over the front page.


On top of that I made that thread since it would probably get a more positive response from a donator.


Try thinking for a sec before flaming the first chance you get dumbass


there are no threads for dragon.gr, there is for dragon-network. which are two different servers.


no one cares if your a donator or not, doesnt make you special.


you should figure out who your talking to, and what your talking about before you attempt an attack on me.



Is it possible to stop arguing?We are a BIG family.We all care for the forum's good.Please don't argue like kids..

We shall keep the thread clean and answer to the threadstarter's question.


1st.Use search before you post something.

2nd.Wrong Section.It has to be on "Request Bot Help".Please Move it.

3rd.Here's what are you looking for: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=17206.0

    You see?I am helping this time(I hope it works).But the next time please use search and stop posting everywhere

    just to get some posts... ;)

/offtopic:(again :P)

Did you see me?I took the role of the advisor... :PAnyway I just tell again that we don't have to argue each other for some crap answers :P.


That's all for me...



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