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Enchant Rates?


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hahahaha, my new server will be just like that, the only diffrence is i have a little low enchant rate and more than +10 on weapon/armor. beas/bews drops from mobs :)


Your new server? You mean you are making one?


There are, but they are not known.


I searched all over hopzones, hopzone, topzone etc and didnt find any, if there are, i dont know why they didnt advertise theirselfs on those sites...


Imo server with that feature would never be successfull cause every l2 server need a lil donation to stay alive if u put safe=max no one will donate so server will die.


Donations could be Max Clan level or so. Or something that changes look and not the balance in game.


Btw i played one server where is Hero for 1month 10euros or 5 euros i dont remember exactly... Imo its stupid that there's 50+ heroes but guess what, that server is still on (already 1year+) and haves a lot of population.. Something like that could keep the server on.


That kind of things are Server's Staff Team obligation to figure out what should be on donate list.

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Your new server? You mean you are making one?


I searched all over hopzones, hopzone, topzone etc and didnt find any, if there are, i dont know why they didnt advertise theirselfs on those sites...


Donations could be Max Clan level or so. Or something that changes look and not the balance in game.


Btw i played one server where is Hero for 1month 10euros or 5 euros i dont remember exactly... Imo its stupid that there's 50+ heroes but guess what, that server is still on (already 1year+) and haves a lot of population.. Something like that could keep the server on.


That kind of things are Server's Staff Team obligation to figure out what should be on donate list.


Yeah, my new server, i will open it after 1st of december. And about donations, there are many things for donations that will not ruin the game, w/o hero bullsh1t or something else that makes donators ubber killers.

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yeah, but at least there should be a little work to make some good gear, not +50 or other S.F. servers but a +10+15 with a high enchant rate would be enough. And yep, a server with safe+max would be the most balanced, is almost like everyone si fighting with +0 gear.


I totally agree :] play in server +50 guns +30 skills is becoming like a starwars.... 1 hit (okey it may be 5 :D for mage to kil mage  it is normal.. but not for a fighters) and u are deaaaad... (Wins that person which shoot first :D epic fail...) i love pvp when it lasts not for a 3 seconds but for a 30 second or even for a 3 MINUTES! (mm) (inlove) ;]~

Really? You are making a server? can we hear some more info about it ;]

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Yeah, my new server, i will open it after 1st of december. And about donations, there are many things for donations that will not ruin the game, w/o hero bullsh1t or something else that makes donators ubber killers.


I would like to suggest things if you open forum with suggestion section.

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nugeris you will hear after we are almost done. Untill now we just made all skills, all RB's to work, we tested some pvp classes, we made the farming zones not to be boring, and yes, pvp lasts more than 1 minute :) F1, F2 players don't have a chance unless they remember the old school pvp. And now i am thinking about the enchant rates, how much to be max and how to be safe. I don't like players that will have everything at max in 1 day, but in 1 week at a normal 3-4 hours a day would be enough. Now i am just trying to balance the dmg from old player to new players, i hate spawn pk'ers that think they are pr0.


In other words i am trying to do something unique, but it's a hard work and i still got many things to fix.

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Not a good idea IMO. Make farming HARD or EASY. No point if you get all in 1week.

Make it 1day or more than 1week (i dont recommend, no one likes farming anyway >.>)


Never got the point in medium farming, you lose time and you cant pvp at all. But.. if its easy (1day, 3days max) farming - they all get gear fast and then PvP unlimited. Or ... hard farming (Takes alot of time) everyone PvPs cause either you dont have gear or you do (all tho it kinda sucks for those who dont have gear, they cant pvp at all vs those who have the gear)




- Btw i dont think your server is like info we are talking about cause of Ench Rates and Farming.

We're talking about Easy Ench Rates and No Customs (No farming 10++ hours) :D


But you can post it at server reviews i guess if you want people to tell you suggs i guess :P

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Anyway, every server has his good parts and his bad parts, not everyone can be pleased with 1 config of a server. You are 1 player, you prefer things your way, no one can make and support the monthly fees for a server just because 1 player want's it in a way. Untill now we tested with some friends, and everyone was pleased, they just loved the long lasting pvp, and using skills that they forgot about. They farmed, killed some Mini RB's, and everything was ok.


When we will open we will have 1-2 weeks of beta test, and we hope we don't have to wipe after that.

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Anyway, every server has his good parts and his bad parts, not everyone can be pleased with 1 config of a server. You are 1 player, you prefer things your way, no one can make and support the monthly fees for a server just because 1 player want's it in a way. Untill now we tested with some friends, and everyone was please, they just loved the long lasting pvp, and using skills that they forgot about them. They farmed, killed some Mini RB's, and everything was ok.


When we will open we will have 1-2 weeks of beta test, and we hope we don't have to wipe after that.


Im not saying you should make the server like i want to. Do what you want, but you can see from upper posts what people like (If like the idea of topic's subject). So i dont see the point in posting your server telling me you cant make a server like I want. We're just discussing if Server is Safe=Max what should be on Donate list, should it be Safe=Max or For example Safe 3 Max 10 with blessed 100% and so on...


I dont expect someone to make server like this after 1post. Thats the point of this thread, i wanna see do enough people like the idea of that Easy server (when ppl dont have time in real life), if yes, we can be 100+players and not just 1player (me) as you say.


And hopefully after, someone will make server with ideas from this topic.



Peace =D


<Edit> Btw, good luck with your server, i might try it too since i dont have any to play on

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I understand and what i was writing was just a point of view, anyway i am grabbing ideeas just browsing this forum, and untill now i think that me and my team can build something enjoyable for everyone. No lifer or 2 hours a day player.

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I think nice idea is to do enchant 100% and not higer then +10  for everything, BUT! just do that EWS will be droped from something like champion mobs (to get fights for those mobs and pvp in that areas AND also that it  wouldnt be easy to kill. )

so all game would be: PVP for ews :] BUT ther  would be a problem... ther always would be a clan or a group of friends and they will pk all xD


Is this Your first server or not?

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Not my first, had a c3-c4 server, i think the first high rate server in my country, the only other server in my country was Dex Network. I still remember my server crashing because in that time l2j couldn't support more than 500-600 players :) RR every 12 hours, what times ...

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I understand and what i was writing was just a point of view, anyway i am grabbing ideeas just browsing this forum, and untill now i think that me and my team can build something enjoyable for everyone. No lifer or 2 hours a day player.


No lifers are fine by all enchant rates =D I hope you'll have some players. Btw planning on dedicated and website or .tk homehosted :S ?

I guess dedi and web domain...


I think nice idea is to do enchant 100% and not higer then +10  for everything, BUT! just do that EWS will be droped from something like champion mobs (to get fights for those mobs and pvp in that areas AND also that it  wouldnt be easy to kill. )

so all game would be: PVP for ews :] BUT ther  would be a problem... ther always would be a clan or a group of friends and they will pk all xD


Is this Your first server or not?


Bad things in Scrolls from PvP are -

1) There'll always be players who started first (started PvPing first also) and they would be MaxEnchanted already, so.. newbies dont have chance.

2) Dualboxing, or Friend VS Friend feeding

3) Bishop (or even 2) + Nuker/Fighter Class ownage - infinity scrolls (at least i think so)


But yeah, i agree, if not Safe=Max, Blessed scroll 100%, max enchant not higher than 10-13 or so...


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Flavio, on your second point U reminded me a big minus of GvE mod servers...

nolifers kill boxes all nights and when U login after few days U cant  fight 1v1.. :/ so that was a reason why a dw yers ago, i was looking for new GvE server with wipe after one or two weeks after paling in one server :D (my english sucks, but i mean: 1/2 week and then i go to another server which was wiped or just started :] pown there a littel (all players with same A-gr (mm) (inlove) xD ) and go to another one :D ) But that sucks coz EVEN on CounterStrike U can play on ONE server all the time and play with same peoples... :/

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I understand you i guess.


Anyway, what about Safe,Max low number (like S+3, M+10) and Blessed scrolls 100% from mini RB's (1healers+2attackers to kill it in 10min).

What do others think?


I want to keep this topic active ;S

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I understand you i guess.


Anyway, what about Safe,Max low number (like S+3, M+10) and Blessed scrolls 100% from mini RB's (1healers+2attackers to kill it in 10min).

What do others think?


I want to keep this topic active ;S


It's a little nasty, what do you think there, low equiped players won't be able to farm Mini RB's and there will always be some clans/partyes that will wait for others to lower the Mini RB's hp and after they pk everyone and steal the drop, that will mean only just more crying on forum and stuff like that. My ideea is blessed drop on mobs, and i have 3 main zones for farming blessed, 2 zones for newbies, 1 for advanced players and i will add one more for party farming. The thing is blessed drops everywhere, and pk'ers on newbies will be punished :)


Making an L2 server and set the website on a .tk domain is pure lame, and on top of that i "like" servers that has those kind of websites and the Donations button is glowing in 10 or more colors :)

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