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Lineage II Myrmidon feedback request.


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Hello Lineage II Community of Maxcheaters.


We at Lineage II Myrmidon are asking you, as Lineage II players to give us your opinion in order to provide you with a good server.


Above there's a poll, please vote. If you have any comments or suggestions to make, please feel free to do so. You can comment on anything you want, rates/features etc.


Do check the detailed post with the description of our server and of course, the server's website.


Thanks in advance.

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I think there are enough gracia epilogue low rates srv around here.. u had to make it freya imo.. but anyway hoping ur srv is better then rest of low rates epilogue i'll try it.


The Mysterious Gift box is making me curious..

About the rates i think they are perfect.

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Thank you for your replies.


About updating the server to Freya, we will think about it.


In my opinion you should add more events.


What kind of events, we already have had an event (Master Of Enchanting) which has finished now. We are going to have events regularly like: Christmas etc.


Also, today there's a Giran siege 21:00 GMT +1 so, you might want to check it out.  :)


Keep giving us feedback please.

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Okay, thanks for your feedback.


We will start working in making the server Freya and we will inform you as soon as it's ready!




Dear players, your voices have been heard!


We have started to work on updating the server to Freya, there is going to be a short testing period in order to make sure everything’s working correctly.


We will inform you as soon as we have more news.


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People, i would like to ask your opinion about the following features:

Add a buffer, which will provide basic buffs only (20 minutes) in exchange for some alternative currency, dropped by mobs.

Increase the duration for second class dances/songs to 10 minutes

Auto learn skills


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  • 3 weeks later...

If you think that HoN came up with that name, then here's the definition of Myrmidon: (Greek mythology) a member of the warriors who followed Achilles on the expedition against Troy.


We haven't even played HoN...

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If you think that HoN came up with that name, then here's the definition of Myrmidon: (Greek mythology) a member of the warriors who followed Achilles on the expedition against Troy.


We haven't even played HoN...

ok xD

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