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[SHARE] L2-WT L2WT Rev 355 [Gracia Final] 30/11/2010UPDATED!

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Final project

Gameplay is carried at 99%.

The assembly is perfect as a server with a low rate, and on PVP servers.


More information can be found in ChangeSet'ax

The team is constantly working to improve its building and trying to fix bugs as soon as possible if they occur.


About of our of assembly

our assembling is made on basis L2EMU. Our of assembly is of made on of the of basis of OF L2EMU.

We are one of the most stable assemblings. We are of one of of the of most of stable of builds.

They enter into our modifications: These of improvements of include:

[1] [Realizitsiya] Of tower Of Of naia. [1] Realizitsiya Of tower Of Of naia.

[2] is corrected [bag] with clan- VKh [2] Fixed a of bug of with of the of clan-Rin

[3] they are realized runes SP (+30%, 50%, etc) [3] implemented of runes SP (+30%, 50%, etc.)

[4] are realized the runes of the experience (analogous with runes SP) [4] of implemented of runes of experience (similar to of the of runes SP)

[5] Of [premium] of [akkaunty]. [5] Premium of accounts. (with the purchase of [premiuma], [znachek] of [lvla] within the gold framework. So the command of.premium makes it possible to learn how much it remained to the expiration of the action of [premium] of [akkaunta]) (When of buying of premium of icon of lvl in of golden of frame. Just a of team. Premium of lets of you of know of how of much is of left to of the of expiration of of the of premium of account)

[6] realization Of pC-Cafe Of points, the restoration of off-line traders after restart. [6] The of implementation of Of pC-Cafe Of points, recovery of offline of traders of after of the of restart.

[7] are extended the possibilities Of community Of board'a (as the example: the purchase of things) [7] enhanced Of community Of board'a (as an of example: the of purchase of of things)

[8] C[okhranenie] of [bafov] after [reloga]. [8] Keeping of buff of after of reloga.

[9] are realized clan ships. [9] implemented a of clan of ships. (including the realization of fuel for the ship) (Including of the of implementation of of fuel of for of ships)

[10] is realized Seed of Of destruction [10] implemented Of seed of Of destruction

[11] separate [konfigi] for [dropa] from Raid Of bosses and [dropa] of [epoletov]. [11] Some of configs to of drop of from Of raid Of bosses of drop and epaulets.

[12] the valuable realization of battle for the earth [12] A of complete of implementation of of the Of battle of for Of earth

[13] the possibility to include/to turn off beautiful effect with the victory in PVP [13] Ability to of turn on/off a of nice of effect of with of the of victory in of pvp

[14] Datapack is [lokalizirovan] to 90% [14] Datapack of localized to 90%

[15] information about [drope] is accurately designed. [15] Information of about of the of drop of neatly of framed.

[16] Item Of broker works correctly. [16] Item Of broker is of working of correctly.

[17] the simplified system of a change in the time of [bafov]. [17] A of simplified of system of time of changes of buffs.

[18] the possibility to include/to turn off on the server the infinite Of soulshot [18] enable/of disable of the of server of endless Of soulshot

[19] [Annons] of [bana] of chat room [19] Announce of ban of chat

[20] the command of.repair [20] commands. Repair

and much other. And much of more. Play process is realized to 99%. Gameplay is of carried at 99%.

Assembling wonderfully will approach both to the server with low [reytami] and on PVP of server. The of assembly is of perfect as a of server of with a of low of rate, and on PVP of servers.

Further information you can Knight in ChangeSet'ax Of more of information of can be of found in Of changeSet'ax

command constantly it works at the improvement of your assembling he tries to correct [bagi] within the shortest periods, if they appear. The of team is of constantly of working to of improve of its of building and trying to of fix of bugs as of soon as of possible if of they of occur.


These improvements include:


[1] Realizitsiya Tower Of Naia.

[2] Fixed a bug with the clan-Rin

[3] implemented runes SP (+30%, 50%, etc.)

[4] implemented runes experience (similar to the runes SP)

[5] Premium accounts(When buying premium icon lvl in golden frame. Just a team. Premium lets you know how much is left to the expiration of the premium account)

[6] The implementation of PC-Cafe Points, recovery offline traders after the restart.

[7] enhanced Community Board's (as an example: the purchase of things)

[8] Keeping buff after reloging.

[9] implemented a clan ships. (Including the implementation of fuel for ships)

[10] implemented Seed of Destruction

[11] Some configs to drop from Raid Bosses drop and epaulets.

[12] A complete implementation of the Battle for Earth

[13] Ability to turn on / off a nice effect with the victory in pvp

[14] Datapack localized to 90%

[15] Information about the drop neatly framed.

[16] Item Broker is working correctly.

[17] A simplified system time changes buffs.

[18] enable / disable the server endless Soulshot

[19] Announce ban chat

[20] commands. Repair


Gameplay is carried at 99%.

The assembly is perfect as a server with a low rate, and on PVP servers.


More information can be found in ChangeSet'ax

The team is constantly working to improve its building and trying to fix bugs as soon as possible if they occur.


http://rghost.net/3096397 COMPILED


http://subversion.assembla.com/svn/l2wt/ KERNEL

http://subversion.assembla.com/svn/L2WT-DP/ DATA PACK



Πραγματικα παιδια εχουν κανει πολυ καλη δουλεια τα παληκαρια....

Eιναι ολα μετεφρασμενα απο το google translator και επειδη κανεις δεν ειναι προθυμος να το κανει οριστε απο εμενα με πολυ αγαπη



Really they have  done a great job

With help from google translator...cuz all rusian :P


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error  :'(



Initalizing L2WT-Gameserver ...


10 nov 00:18:55: [iNFO] MLog clients using java 1.4+ standard logging.

10 nov 00:18:55: [iNFO] Initializing c3p0- [built 21-May-2007 15:04:56; d

ebug? true; trace: 10]

10 nov 00:18:55: [iNFO] Initializing c3p0 pool... com.mchange.v2.c3p0.ComboPoole

dDataSource [ java.beans.IntrospectionException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTar

getException [numThreadsAwaitingCheckoutDefaultUser] ]

Exception in thread "main" com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorExcep

tion: Database 'l2wt' sconosciuto

       at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)


       at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)


       at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Sou


       at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)

       at com.mysql.jdbc.Util.handleNewInstance(Util.java:409)

       at com.mysql.jdbc.Util.getInstance(Util.java:384)

       at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException(SQLError.java:1054)

       at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket(MysqlIO.java:3566)

       at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket(MysqlIO.java:3498)

       at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.checkErrorPacket(MysqlIO.java:919)

       at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.secureAuth411(MysqlIO.java:4004)

       at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.doHandshake(MysqlIO.java:1284)

       at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.connectOneTryOnly(ConnectionImpl.java:2


       at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.createNewIO(ConnectionImpl.java:2122)

       at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.<init>(ConnectionImpl.java:774)

       at com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC4Connection.<init>(JDBC4Connection.java:49)

       at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)


       at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Source)


       at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(Unknown Sou


       at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Unknown Source)

       at com.mysql.jdbc.Util.handleNewInstance(Util.java:409)

       at com.mysql.jdbc.ConnectionImpl.getInstance(ConnectionImpl.java:375)

       at com.mysql.jdbc.NonRegisteringDriver.connect(NonRegisteringDriver.java


       at com.mchange.v2.c3p0.DriverManagerDataSource.getConnection(DriverManag


       at com.mchange.v2.c3p0.WrapperConnectionPoolDataSource.getPooledConnecti


       at com.mchange.v2.c3p0.WrapperConnectionPoolDataSource.getPooledConnecti


       at com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.C3P0PooledConnectionPoolManager.initializeAu


       at com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.C3P0PooledConnectionPoolManager.createPooled


       at com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.C3P0PooledConnectionPoolManager.getPool(C3P0


       at com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.C3P0PooledConnectionPoolManager.getPool(C3P0


       at com.mchange.v2.c3p0.impl.AbstractPoolBackedDataSource.getConnection(A


       at com.l2emu.L2DatabaseFactory.<init>(L2DatabaseFactory.java:102)

       at com.l2emu.L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance(L2DatabaseFactory.java:275)

       at com.l2emu.gameserver.L2GameServer.<init>(L2GameServer.java:162)

       at com.l2emu.gameserver.util.BootManager.<init>(BootManager.java:100)

       at com.l2emu.gameserver.util.BootManager.main(BootManager.java:53)


Server terminated abnormaly ...



Server terminated ...


Premere un tasto per continuare . . .

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its l2 final stable pack







298     FIX skill Justice

297     Fix skill)

296     296 FIX skills


294     Small Fix

293     Sailren now as L2GrandBoss. Так же обновлен AI для него Just upgraded AI for him

292     FIX 109_InSearchOfTheNest

291     Fix extractable_skills.csv

290     VanHalter Fix 290 VanHalter Fix

289     FIX ZONE 12014 289 FIX ZONE 12014

288     Fix grandboss_data.sql

287     VanHalter ...

286     ... 286 ...

285     Small Fix

284     added skills 23100-23199

283     added temporal Skill Sessions 20100-20199, 20200-20299

282     82 Some of the mutations both in skills. НУЖЕН ТЕСТ NEED A TEST

281     SmallFix

280     Baium.java ...

279     temporary fix ... 1411 1411

278     Posted BestPvP.sql and a couple of admin commands.

277     overlooked:)

276     Fix chance drop Key of the Evil Eye in hbtown

275     Fix lowering alliance cooking

274     Fix lowering alliance Ketra

273     Fixed skill Fighter's Will

272     Fix Blessing of Eva

271     Fix Cloak S84 Vesper Armor

270     mini fix

269     For UPDATE

268     FIX AI FOR 22602 - 22616

267     FIX Vulture Rider NPC

266     forgot to add Oo




195     Changeset 195 2010/11/08 18:34 Jack Chipachenko FIX associated with <target DoorId and etc + how to use ... Changeset

194     effect of EvaBlessing and Cancel

193     Wait editing skills in AP

192     Add Gathering, Sacrifice, UnlockSpecial. НЕ обновляй... Does not update ...

191     ix all at once Disguise Scroll

190     Configs for Sailren

189     Added the f-I getPlayersInside ()

188     High Priestess van Halter Support server. Нужно отред... O'Grady needed ...

187     Logging grinding through the Service menenzher

186     Added a new type of skill "SPAWN"

185     Small Fix

184     A bunch of fixes + some developments

183     BestPvP be continued ...

182     shots Fix for Dual Dagger

181     Fix ispolzyvaniya soybeans at CB

180     Fix call PETA

179     Additional verification

178     BestPvP ideas ...

177     FIX siege time.Now siege castles begin only n. ..

176     onfiguration, which allows the attributive PVP stuff.NEED A TEST!

175     mutations both moveToNextRoutePoint.TEST!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dude some few qestions...


1- What version of Lineage Core are this pack? (Interlude, Kamael, Gracia, Freya, etc...)

2- Main page of the project?

3- Forum? to keep up to date of inusses, bugs, etc...

4- Features of this pack (auto account, rates, custom?, etc...)

5- Security stuff (ddoss attack gameguard etc...)

6- What are the diference betwen existing pack (or this is a preconfigured pack) L2j L2jFree L2jOff, etc... Not big deal just an idea,,, for compare...

7- I see that the project svn are in RU, core are i RU too? or original english?


Tnks for develop this package, one i get clearence on this qestion ill try it jejeje ^_^!

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[glow=red,2,300]UP TO DATE 21/11/2010[/glow] :)


L2-WT GS-220 DP-332


1) [glow=red,2,300]Datapack:[/glow]


332      Small Of fix      

331     FIX of npc.sql    

330     FIX of alignment errors SQL

329     [sor], [zvbyl] about SQL

328     FIX DM, CTF, BW. I think they [obnovlyatsya] possible)

327     Cultural fixed price for 496    

326     Cultural coordinates for TW

325     TvT Of event FIX

324     TVT…

323     MV To [dinasti] magic is written

322     MV To [dinasti] light is written.    

321     FIX of 61_LawEnforcement, thanks Of terraRist

320     FIX database_installer.sh

319     FIX Of furious Of soul

318     FIX is power in dyne -[mobov], so the fixed price of [skilov] [sODosvkiy] of [mobov]    

317     SWAMP " was mistaken randomly…    

316     FIX of skill_trees (81+) of.sql    

315     Are changed [staty] [NPTS] Of leodas and Native Of elite Of soldier    

314     the coding    

313     the small fixed prices    

312     -----        

311     Fix Of augmentation Of sKill

310     21042 - HP+MP    

309     FIX Of [skilov]    

308     FIX Of counter Of critical    

307     FIX of 605_AllianceWithKetraOrcs    

306     FIX 1505,1506,21042. TO Of uphillyout: To [niche] do not change, all of standards!

305     Ancient Of tome of Of demon (council from Art.i.Shock)    

304     Ancient Of tome of Of demon    

303     the temporary fixed price Of crystal Of caverns    

302     222 FIX    

301     fix 482.    

300     FIX of teleport.sql    

299     Are corrected [skily] 1505, 1506, 21042. Give access to the nucleus,…    

298     FIX of [skila] the justice


2) [glow=red,2,300]Core:[/glow]


220      ALL! [Obnovlsyates] and TEST is TEST TEST!!!

219     CTF, BW, DM

218     Seizure of flag. Do not renew

217     Seizure of base. Not they [obnovlyatsya]!

216     DM…. Do not renew!

215     FIX + cleaning + + +…

214     Connected FunEventRestriction    

213     TvT Of event FIX    

212     We connect FunEventsManager    

211     ////

210     Temporary FIX    

209     Small Of fix    

208     Modification TW. It is must [izmineniya] Of [dataPaka]    

207     TvT it is possible to say is made. [Ter] it is necessary to [redachit] L2PcInstance…    

206     “BASIS” for [eventov] (TW, [TSTF], dm, so [Tavn] pitch and [Zakh]…

205     Cleaning….

204     We move away [nafig] TW [sTF] and t d. we will write from zero…

203     It is added into the nucleus the new parameter “of giveMp”, for [skila] ID21042

202     Large renovation of [skilov]. Is necessary [apdeyt] of date- pack….

201     [Prodalzhenie] Of bestPvP

200     FIX Of l2AttackableAI, the pair of zones… And [MapRegion]

199     FIX TRAP- OV. Possible [obnovlyatsya]

198     Trap part of 2

197     Normal realization Of trap. NOT [OBNOVLYATSYA]

196     Small Of fix

195     FIX is connected from <target Of doorId and t d + the use of a method…



Download Here



For any information visit http://www.l2-wt.org.ua the project is for Final Client

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  • 2 weeks later...



L2WT Rev 355 [Gracia Final]


[229] FIX forumul data reduction skills

[228] Fixes the engine skills. Now more poavilno.


[226] Sori)

[225] Small Fix

[224] ...

[223] Show the chance to complete all skills

[222] encoding

[221] Minor fix



[355] FIX Soul of Paagiro. Of the effects should be 2 (!!!)

[354] FIX IntheNameofEvilPart2

[353], updated, test, Tower of Infinitum

[352] Implementation of Tower of Infinitum, does not update

[351] enchant_skill_trees.sql FIX

[350] Fix skills

[349] Small Fix

[348] Small Fix

[347] add new quests scripts.cfg

[346] Added quests ...

[345] Added a quest 132_MatrasCuriosity

[344] Added a quest 126_TheNameOfEvil2

[343] Added a quest 692_HowtoOpposeEvil and fix nekotororyh skills

[342] FIX SQL BW & & CTF

[341] FIX zones + Fixed skill

[340] Typo ...

[339] FIX skill id-793 id-id-1064 1169 1336 id-id-1440

[338] AI ...

[337] NPC FIX Kratei's Cube, ATP TerraRist

[336] Added AI for DeluLizardmanSpecialAgent TimakOrcOverlord and etc

[335] FIX 536 Over the Body

[334] O_O Fix PvP Items skills

[333] TowerOfNaia


What's new:

1. Fixed Tower Of Naia

2. Added Tower Of Infinium

3. Added some quests

4. Added AI

5. Fix some areas (mainly Demeydzh Zone)

6. Fix the NPC in Kratei's Cube

7. Fix sharpening skills

8. Fix many skills

9. Changed the formula of counting damage and a chance to pass skills






Clean final system

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    • I can use this folder system for High Five offline server?   The folder does not have a l2.exe file.   Thank you very much if anyone can help me.   https://drive.google.com/file/d/13kU-g_4JJ-sP-kg2F7pqkUOVKmQdubFm/view
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    • ENGLISH As you know, we have always profiled in the development of Java emulators, we continue to do our favorite thing, and now we have the opportunity to provide you with services in the field of private development of L2 assemblies Essence, Classic and High Five, which we have been doing in recent years, we have not been working on basic builds for a long time and work only on contracts for the world's best projects. These are the best builds we can offer, we have test servers and we can show them to you on the test, and if you are very good at gameplay, you will see a big difference in the quality and detail of the official content compared to the basic builds. These are the best top solutions in the world, which are currently used to implement the largest projects in the world. We guarantee 100% implementation of all official content. If you have any questions about testing, discussions, etc., please contact our studio and we will discuss everything. At the moment, you can get acquainted with the preliminary information and prices for Private L2 contracts here: Private Server packs L2 Essence 464, 447, 388, 362, 286 protocols Private server packs L2Classic Private server pack High Five РУССКИЙ --------------------------------------------- Как вы знаете мы всегда профилировались на разработке в сфере Java эмуляторов, мы продолжаем заниматься своим любимым делом, и сейчас у нас появилась возможность предоставлять вам услуги в сфере приватных разработок L2 сборок Essence, Classic и High Five, которыми мы занимаемся последние годы, мы уже давно не работаем над базовыми сборками и работаем только на контрактах для лучших мировых проектов. Это лучшие сборки, которые мы можем предложить, у нас есть тестовые сервера, и мы можем показать их вам на тесте, и если вы очень хорошо разбираетесь в игровом процессе, вы увидите большую разницу в качестве и детализации официального контента по сравнению с базовыми сборками. Это лучшие топовые решения в мире, которые на данный момент используются для реализации крупнейших проектов в мире. Мы даем гарантии - 100% реализации всего официального контента. По вопросам тестирования, обсуждений и тд - пишите по контактам нашей студии и мы все обсудим. На данный момент вы можете ознакомиться с предварительной информацией и ценами на Приватные контракты L2 тут: Приватные Сборки L2 Essence 464, 447, 388, 362, 286 protocols Приватные Сборки L2Classic Приватная Сборка High Five -------------------------------------------------------------- Contacts: Telegram: https://t.me/L2scripts Whatsapp, Viber: +1 (916) 226 1910 С уважением, Администрация !
    • I can sell it. If you are interested just pm.
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