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[GUIDE]_Recently Asked .. About "System Edit" by PoRnosJH

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Hello....i Write this Guide to help some new guys....who want to change things on their system......



(tut for newbies)

First...you need to know...that to  config a system....You must Have A Patched System and a File Edit


Patched System is an ordinary system who we can modify-config it (with File Edit )....

An Official System Cannot be modified must patched  1st.....


File Edit is a Program who can decrypt/encrypt files in our Patched systems and this is the way we make the changes...

Warning: not every File Edit is for every Client....you must have the specify File Edit...depends on your Client


So.... System Edits :


Open File Edit....go up and left  File -> Open & Decrypt ....Find Your System Direction And now...if you want to:


1. Change Server's Name    (Bartz):


Open Servername-e.dat ..and find the name of your server (pending on your chosen hexid)-change it as you prefer...

(Like here i changed it from Bartz to MaxCheater.com ...


Now we go again up and left...File -> Save&Encrypt...and we press ok...with 413 header...


2. Change the System Message at Entrance in the server:


Open systemmsg-e.dat and go to  LINE 34 write what you want to be the new system msg in Game...Like: Welcome to L][MxC World.


Now we go again up and left...File -> Save&Encrypt...and we press ok...with 413 header...


3. Change **NCSoft Copyrights.All Rights Reserved**:

At the Bottom on login...


Open systemmsg-e.dat and now go to LINE 94 and write again what you like to be the new msg


Now we go again up and left...File -> Save&Encrypt...and we press ok...with 413 header...


4. Change Adress to your Server :

So with system only anyone can connect to the server


Open L2.ini and where write's ServerAddr  write your External IP Or your no-ip if you have ....


Now we go again up and left...File -> Save&Encrypt...and we press ok...with 413 header...


5. Change HomePage !<- Only For Freya/Hi5 ->! :

At Login (button) - and in Game (System Menu-button)


Open L2.ini and Where is Homepage URL write your Homepage Url..Like www.maxcheaters.com


Now we go again up and left...File -> Save&Encrypt...and we press ok...with 413 header...


6. Change Zoom Size

How much Zoom in or out one client can reaches


Open User.ini and find that Code:


RightMouse=CameraRotationOn | UseAutoTrackingPawnOff | StopMouse | CameraRotationOff OnRelease |

UseAutoTrackingPawnOn OnRelease | MoveMouse OnRelease |

FixedDefaultCamera OnRelease MaxPressedTime=200.0

(Client to Client this isnt same ..just find the line that looks similar to this)


and add this line on the end :

| set Engine.LineagePlayerController MaxZoomingDist 65535


so it will be in the example like this :


RightMouse=CameraRotationOn | UseAutoTrackingPawnOff | StopMouse | CameraRotationOff OnRelease |

UseAutoTrackingPawnOn OnRelease | MoveMouse OnRelease |

FixedDefaultCamera OnRelease MaxPressedTime=200.0 | set Engine.LineagePlayerController MaxZoomingDist 65535


7. Change System Colors

Config Colors in System (Criticals /Dmg /SystemMsg...)


Download this tool :




and then :


1. Copy your systemmsg-e.dat from Lineage II\system\ folder into tool's directory

2. Run L2 modder.exe

3. File -> Load Messages.

4. When you're done, File -> Save Messages.


8. Change Weapon's Enchantment Color


open up env.int

You will get a big text.Scroll down until you see lines like these (r1= g1= b1=) :







This is what you need to know :

Enchant0= is at what number the enchant is what color

R1=0,G1=10,B1=20 is what the color is in RGB mode.

R2=0,G2=0,B2=30 is what the color will be.


Now you know whatyou have to edit

Example If you want to get red to 25 it should look like this.




To Find the Specific RGB color you need.. Dl this useful tool:






Freya Patched System :



Freya File Edit :



Other File Edits-Systems :


Raule's post





Credits to : DaRkHaCkEr*( for Photos ) , ZiTioN (patched system), ShinKaZaMa (heizer's sys editor), DiOm (L2Color Finder)


[move] PoRnosJH [/move]


[move] Updated 03/6/2012 [/move]


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@ Justy:

In Your opinion this is "everything" ? oO Really, think about changing title, because for now, users can find here only 6 peaces with small system folder mods...

Anyway, thx for Your time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You have right ...so i changed thread's name.... into "Recently Asked"


If anyone wants something to add-question ! pm me/reply...




(this msg to moderators.. when i started here in mxc...i didnt know about the rulez...and i remember i wanted to see a hidden topic so i made 1 spam-msg somewhere...i have seen very often ppl who spams but the most of the time they didnt take de-karma...


So i want to ask if someone of you...can understand my newbie-mistake i had there...and give me my karma back...)


if not for this...maybe cauze i tried to help with this guide?? what to add - change to have a karma?


ty for your time...


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well a mini guide look good butm maybe you miss some things...anyway thanks for it grateful


okay...if you have some ideas about what to add...tell me to add em....


Thank you for your guide! It's useful.



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  • 4 weeks later...

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