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[[share]ct2.2] Dynastic Zariche {animated eyes} by d0ds™

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imo this duals are good, but that animated eye sux QQ

hmmm.. why its sux? can you give me a comments or suggestion? I'll be open for some suggestions and comments since this sword is under dev.!



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is kinda to mechanic, opened and closed.... i know is hard to make some good animations but.. + is drawn too simple

but this is only my opinion :P

well.. you right! I'll look into it.. hmmp.. I think I'll change the delay time and interval..

thanks for your opinion btw..

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very good work :)

i see u are improved :)

well i have to mention your weapon glows!

you have to resize it and fit it with the weapon

also a good idea is to remove the normal enchant color and let only the aug glow on it...

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very good work :)

i see u are improved :)

well i have to mention your weapon glows!

you have to resize it and fit it with the weapon

also a good idea is to remove the normal enchant color and let only the aug glow on it...

:D thanks! I did the weapon glow huge intentionally!



new set of weapon and armor soon


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  • 2 years later...

lol,that's professionals work! May you share with us the enchant glow as well?^^


By the way,could you upload those weapons 1 more time? I'm trying to prepare a L2GM server for free.


Thanks in advance!


EDIT: Delete my post I didn't see that this guy necro posted.



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