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[League of Legends] Your thoughts regarding the new champion, Lux.


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Well, I bought Lux right after she came out. Played 3 games. A practice game, a 3v3 normal and a 5v5 normal.


My most common build on her goes like...


1. Mejai's Soulstealer

2. Sorcerer's Boots

3. Rod of Ages

4. Deathfire Grasp

5. Rylai's Crystal Scepter

6. Zhonya's Ring


Also, I think that Lich Bane would be a cool item on her since her passive would synergize well with that item.


However, even if I haven't tried her a lot yet, I could say that I'm pretty dissapointed by her. I mean... she is so similar to Morgana, why would anyone pick her over Morgana? The only reasons I could think of are double snare, a great finishing ulti for low HP running targets. and a spell that can shield multiple targets if used right. Morgana can aoe slow too, using her ulti (which is not often used for that reason) or getting Rylai's and just use Tormented Soil, which also decreases enemies' Magic Resist. Needless to say that Morgana's AP ratios are so much higher and her shield blocks CC and magic attacks and lasts hell of longer if it doesn't break.


What I'm thinking apart from trying a Lich Bane on her is playing her as a support, even if she is not tagged as one. I believe that her utility counts for much more than her damage.




So what do YOU think?

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stupid champion in my opinion


4th ulti copied from Ezreal oO [laser or another thing, its same after all  :D]


I really cannot understand why so many people say that it's a copy of ezreal Ulti's....


1. Ezreal's Ulti is global, while Lux's is not, though it has a huge range

2. Ezreal's Ulti is much slower than Lux's, whose is almost instant and much harder to dodge.

3. Ezreal's Ulti has a bigger width than Lux's.

4. Ezreal's ulti weakens as it passes through enemy units, while Lux's ulti strikes with the same force every enemy it passes through.

5. Finally Ezreal's ulti doesn't have a 24 sec CD with proper items...


Having played more matches with her, I could say that she is pretty viable. Her utility is great for a team, and her ulti can be used for pushing late game since its cooldown can be so damn short.


I will never forget that Lux + Fiddle lane combo. We were against Garen and another Lux, and they simply couldn't touch our creeps. Every time they were trying to get close they were being Fear+Drain+Rooted by me (as Lux) resulting to a complete drain cast from fiddlesticks. Another good one was when playing with my friend (Miss Fortune). Coordinating our ultis on skype was so pwnsome :D

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Nothing interesting on Lux.Reminds me of Sona on skin.


She's awesome, now that I've gotten more into her.  She actually has some advantages over Morgana


Light Binding's (Lux) advantages over Dark Binding (Morgana)


1. Fires faster, making it harder to dodge.

2. Snares 2 enemy units.

3. Even if you hit a creep instead of the enemy you want to snare, there's still a chance that he gets snared, since the effect applies to two targets.


Prismatic Barrier's (Lux) advantages over Black Shield (Morgana)


1. Can shield multiple targets at once.... Just that.



Lucent Singularity's (Lux) advantages over Tormented Soil (Morgana)


1. Can be used for scouting, since it reveals areas hidden by fog of war. Great spell for avoiding ganks or safely checking bushes.

2. Can be used for escaping, since it slows anyone who passes through its range.


Can't think of anything else... Tormented Soil is a much better farming tool, since it can OS creeps really early in the game. They are about the same good at zoning your enemies away from XP range. Both good harassing spells, however Tormented Soil can be much more effective for harassing if your enemies are careless. Finally, both Tormented Soil and Lucent Singularity synergize well with Morgana's and Lux' passives respectively. Even so, I believe that Morgana's spell vamp in combination with Tormented Soil is by far better than 2 hitting creeps at mid game, plus you have to be fast to do it effectively. Why spell vamp is much better? Cause it lets you stay in a lane forever... Low on HP? Use a few good Tormented Soils and you're back at almost full HP soon...




Finally their ultimates are much different, so I want bother comparing them.  

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Actually it isn't so difficult to avoid her ulti with flash.


and generally on foot you can still avoid it , it's predictable if you run away with low HP you will know that she will do ulti , just watch her movement

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and generally on foot you can still avoid it , it's predictable if you run away with low HP you will know that she will do ulti , just watch her movement

Indeed if you notice it just in time you can avoid it.

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Indeed if you notice it just in time you can avoid it.

you have much time to avoid it ,lol

Actually it isn't so difficult to avoid her ulti with flash.

flash=300 sec CD

ulti=30 sec


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She's definitely different from morgana. I've bought her a few days ago, still have a lot to learn as she has only skillshots and a lot of tricky things, like her ult and the E skill that can work as a temporary ward.


I think she will get a little boost/tweaks in the next patch, but overall a fine nuke/support champ.


About your build; remember that builds can always vary depending on your team and your opponents team. Like last game I was against a team with Garen, Vladimir and a Cho'gath, so I rushed Deathfire Grasp, then build Lich Bane (works fine on her, not tested a lot though) and after that more ap, like Zhonya's ring, and would have gone for the Void staff to penetrate the Negatron cloaks they built, but we won the game already. Against high burst damage teams I rush Rod of ages, and might even go for Rylai's sceptre. Against high CC teams I always go mercury treads etc.


according to elementz

lux=>tier 5

Hard to place on a team: Lux, ...



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