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[Share]Visual NPC to PC transform [Freya/High Five]


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Anyway, next time use the defaults, verify that everything its ok, and then edit defaults as you like, thats how you have to work if you dont know how to find where is the problem and fix it.

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well i found something that is missing from this share.... in the title doesn't show the life left in mob(%)



here it is...



### Eclipse Workspace Patch 1.0

#P L2J_Server

Index: java/com/l2jserver/gameserver/network/serverpackets/AbstractNpcInfo.java


--- java/com/l2jserver/gameserver/network/serverpackets/AbstractNpcInfo.java (revision 4638)

+++ java/com/l2jserver/gameserver/network/serverpackets/AbstractNpcInfo.java (working copy)

@@ -14,10 +14,15 @@


package com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets;


+import java.text.DecimalFormat;


import com.l2jserver.Config;

+import com.l2jserver.gameserver.datatables.CharTemplateTable;

import com.l2jserver.gameserver.datatables.ClanTable;

+import com.l2jserver.gameserver.datatables.FakePcsTable;

import com.l2jserver.gameserver.instancemanager.TownManager;

import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.L2Clan;

+import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.FakePc;

import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.L2Character;

import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.L2Npc;

import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.L2Summon;

@@ -26,6 +31,7 @@

import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2NpcInstance;

import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance;

import com.l2jserver.gameserver.skills.AbnormalEffect;

+import com.l2jserver.gameserver.templates.chars.L2PcTemplate;



  * This class ...

@@ -105,14 +111,14 @@

_isAttackable = cha.isAutoAttackable(attacker);

if (cha.getTemplate().serverSideName)

_name = cha.getName();// On every subclass



if (Config.L2JMOD_CHAMPION_ENABLE && cha.isChampion())

_title = (Config.L2JMOD_CHAMP_TITLE); // On every subclass

else if (cha.getTemplate().serverSideTitle)

_title = cha.getTemplate().title; // On every subclass


_title = cha.getTitle(); // On every subclass



if (Config.SHOW_NPC_LVL && _npc instanceof L2MonsterInstance)


String t = "Lv " + cha.getLevel() + (cha.getAggroRange() > 0 ? "*" : "");

@@ -142,61 +148,207 @@


protected void writeImpl()


- writeC(0x0c);

- writeD(_npc.getObjectId());

- writeD(_idTemplate + 1000000); // npctype id

- writeD(_isAttackable ? 1 : 0);

- writeD(_x);

- writeD(_y);

- writeD(_z);

- writeD(_heading);

- writeD(0x00);

- writeD(_mAtkSpd);

- writeD(_pAtkSpd);

- writeD(_runSpd);

- writeD(_walkSpd);

- writeD(_runSpd); // swim run speed

- writeD(_walkSpd); // swim walk speed

- writeD(_runSpd); // swim run speed

- writeD(_walkSpd); // swim walk speed

- writeD(_runSpd); // fly run speed

- writeD(_walkSpd); // fly run speed

- writeF(_npc.getMovementSpeedMultiplier());

- writeF(_npc.getAttackSpeedMultiplier());

- writeF(_collisionRadius);

- writeF(_collisionHeight);

- writeD(_rhand); // right hand weapon

- writeD(_chest);

- writeD(_lhand); // left hand weapon

- writeC(1); // name above char 1=true ... ??

- writeC(_npc.isRunning() ? 1 : 0);

- writeC(_npc.isInCombat() ? 1 : 0);

- writeC(_npc.isAlikeDead() ? 1 : 0);

- writeC(_isSummoned ? 2 : 0); // 0=teleported 1=default 2=summoned

- writeS(_name);

- writeS(_title);

- writeD(0x00); // Title color 0=client default

- writeD(0x00); //pvp flag

- writeD(0x00); // karma

+ FakePc fpc = _npc.getFakePc();

+ if (fpc != null)

+ {

+ writeC(0x31);

+ writeD(_x);

+ writeD(_y);

+ writeD(_z);

+ writeD(0x00); // vehicle id

+ writeD(_npc.getObjectId());

+ writeS(fpc.name); // visible name

+ writeD(fpc.race);

+ writeD(fpc.sex);

+ writeD(fpc.clazz);


+ writeD(fpc.pdUnder);

+ writeD(fpc.pdHead);

+ writeD(fpc.pdRHand);

+ writeD(fpc.pdLHand);

+ writeD(fpc.pdGloves);

+ writeD(fpc.pdChest);

+ writeD(fpc.pdLegs);

+ writeD(fpc.pdFeet);

+ writeD(fpc.pdBack);

+ writeD(fpc.pdLRHand);

+ writeD(fpc.pdHair);

+ writeD(fpc.pdHair2);

+ writeD(fpc.pdRBracelet);

+ writeD(fpc.pdLBracelet);

+ writeD(fpc.pdDeco1);

+ writeD(fpc.pdDeco2);

+ writeD(fpc.pdDeco3);

+ writeD(fpc.pdDeco4);

+ writeD(fpc.pdDeco5);

+ writeD(fpc.pdDeco6);

+ writeD(0x00); // belt


+ writeD(fpc.pdUnderAug);

+ writeD(fpc.pdHeadAug);

+ writeD(fpc.pdRHandAug);

+ writeD(fpc.pdLHandAug);

+ writeD(fpc.pdGlovesAug);

+ writeD(fpc.pdChestAug);

+ writeD(fpc.pdLegsAug);

+ writeD(fpc.pdFeetAug);

+ writeD(fpc.pdBackAug);

+ writeD(fpc.pdLRHandAug);

+ writeD(fpc.pdHairAug);

+ writeD(fpc.pdHair2Aug);

+ writeD(fpc.pdRBraceletAug);

+ writeD(fpc.pdLBraceletAug);

+ writeD(fpc.pdDeco1Aug);

+ writeD(fpc.pdDeco2Aug);

+ writeD(fpc.pdDeco3Aug);

+ writeD(fpc.pdDeco4Aug);

+ writeD(fpc.pdDeco5Aug);

+ writeD(fpc.pdDeco6Aug);

+ writeD(0x00); // belt aug

+ writeD(0x00);

+ writeD(0x01);


+ writeD(fpc.pvpFlag);

+ writeD(fpc.karma);


+ writeD(_mAtkSpd);

+ writeD(_pAtkSpd);


+ writeD(0x00);


+ writeD(_runSpd);

+ writeD(_walkSpd);

+ writeD(_runSpd); // swim run speed

+ writeD(_walkSpd); // swim walk speed

+ writeD(_runSpd); // fly run speed

+ writeD(_walkSpd); // fly walk speed

+ writeD(_runSpd);

+ writeD(_walkSpd);

+ writeF(_npc.getMovementSpeedMultiplier()); // _activeChar.getProperMultiplier()

+ writeF(_npc.getAttackSpeedMultiplier()); // _activeChar.getAttackSpeedMultiplier()


+ // TODO: add handling of mount collision

+ L2PcTemplate pctmpl = CharTemplateTable.getInstance().getTemplate(fpc.clazz);

+ writeF(fpc.sex == 0 ? pctmpl.fCollisionRadius : pctmpl.fCollisionRadius_female);

+ writeF(fpc.sex == 0 ? pctmpl.fCollisionHeight : pctmpl.fCollisionHeight_female);


+ writeD(fpc.hairStyle);

+ writeD(fpc.hairColor);

+ writeD(fpc.face);


- writeD(_npc.getAbnormalEffect()); // C2

- writeD(_clanId); //clan id

- writeD(_clanCrest); //crest id

- writeD(_allyId); // ally id

- writeD(_allyCrest); // all crest

- writeC(_npc.isFlying() ? 2 : 0); // C2

- writeC(0x00); // title color 0=client


- writeF(_collisionRadius);

- writeF(_collisionHeight);

- writeD(_enchantEffect); // C4

- writeD(_npc.isFlying() ? 1 : 0); // C6

- writeD(0x00);

- writeD(_npc.getColorEffect());// CT1.5 Pet form and skills, Color effect

- writeC(_npc.isHideName() ? 0x00 : 0x01);

- writeC(_npc.isHideName() ? 0x00 : 0x01);

- writeD(_npc.getSpecialEffect());

- writeD(_displayEffect);

+ if (_npc instanceof L2MonsterInstance)

+ writeS(fpc.title + " - HP " + new DecimalFormat("#.##").format(100.0 * _npc.getCurrentHp() / _npc.getMaxVisibleHp()) + "%"); // visible title

+ else

+ writeS(fpc.title);


+ writeD(0x00); // clan id

+ writeD(0x00); // clan crest id

+ writeD(0x00); // ally id

+ writeD(0x00); // ally crest id


+ writeC(0x01); // standing = 1  sitting = 0

+ writeC(_npc.isRunning() ? 1 : 0); // running = 1   walking = 0

+ writeC(_npc.isInCombat() ? 1 : 0);

+ writeC(_npc.isAlikeDead() ? 1 : 0);


+ writeC(fpc.invisible); // invisible = 1  visible =0


+ writeC(fpc.mount); // 1 on strider   2 on wyvern  3 on Great Wolf  0 no mount

+ writeC(0x00); //  1 - sellshop

+ writeH(0x00); // cubic count

+ //for (int id : allCubics)

+ //    writeH(id);

+ writeC(0x00); // find party members

+ writeD(0x00); // abnormal effect

+ writeC(0x00); // isFlying() ? 2 : 0

+ writeH(0x00); //getRecomHave(): Blue value for name (0 = white, 255 = pure blue)

+ writeD(1000000); // getMountNpcId() + 1000000

+ writeD(fpc.clazz);

+ writeD(0x00); // ?

+ writeC(fpc.enchantEffect);

+ writeC(fpc.team); //team circle around feet 1= Blue, 2 = red

+ writeD(0x00); // getClanCrestLargeId()

+ writeC(0x00); // isNoble(): Symbol on char menu ctrl+I

+ writeC(fpc.hero); // Hero Aura

+ writeC(fpc.fishing); //0x01: Fishing Mode (Cant be undone by setting back to 0)

+ writeD(fpc.fishingX);

+ writeD(fpc.fishingY);

+ writeD(fpc.fishingZ);


+ writeD(fpc.nameColor);

+ writeD(_heading);

+ writeD(0x00); // pledge class

+ writeD(0x00); // pledge type

+ writeD(fpc.titleColor);


+ writeD(0x00); // cursed weapon level

+ writeD(0x00); // reputation score

+ writeD(0x00); // transformation id

+ writeD(0x00); // agathion id

+ writeD(0x01); // T2 ?

+ writeD(0x00); // special effect

+ /*writeD(0x00); // territory Id

+ writeD(0x00); // is Disguised

+ writeD(0x00); // territory Id*/

+ }

+ else

+ {

+ writeC(0x0c);

+ writeD(_npc.getObjectId());

+ writeD(_idTemplate + 1000000); // npctype id

+ writeD(_isAttackable ? 1 : 0);

+ writeD(_x);

+ writeD(_y);

+ writeD(_z);

+ writeD(_heading);

+ writeD(0x00);

+ writeD(_mAtkSpd);

+ writeD(_pAtkSpd);

+ writeD(_runSpd);

+ writeD(_walkSpd);

+ writeD(_runSpd); // swim run speed

+ writeD(_walkSpd); // swim walk speed

+ writeD(_runSpd); // swim run speed

+ writeD(_walkSpd); // swim walk speed

+ writeD(_runSpd); // fly run speed

+ writeD(_walkSpd); // fly run speed

+ writeF(_npc.getMovementSpeedMultiplier());

+ writeF(_npc.getAttackSpeedMultiplier());

+ writeF(_collisionRadius);

+ writeF(_collisionHeight);

+ writeD(_rhand); // right hand weapon

+ writeD(_chest);

+ writeD(_lhand); // left hand weapon

+ writeC(1); // name above char 1=true ... ??

+ writeC(_npc.isRunning() ? 1 : 0);

+ writeC(_npc.isInCombat() ? 1 : 0);

+ writeC(_npc.isAlikeDead() ? 1 : 0);

+ writeC(_isSummoned ? 2 : 0); // 0=teleported 1=default 2=summoned

+ writeS(_name);

+ writeS(_title);

+ writeD(0x00); // Title color 0=client default

+ writeD(0x00); //pvp flag

+ writeD(0x00); // karma


+ writeD(_npc.getAbnormalEffect()); // C2

+ writeD(_clanId); //clan id

+ writeD(_clanCrest); //crest id

+ writeD(_allyId); // ally id

+ writeD(_allyCrest); // all crest

+ writeC(_npc.isFlying() ? 2 : 0); // C2

+ writeC(0x00); // title color 0=client


+ writeF(_collisionRadius);

+ writeF(_collisionHeight);

+ writeD(_enchantEffect); // C4

+ writeD(_npc.isFlying() ? 1 : 0); // C6

+ writeD(0x00);

+ writeD(0x00);// CT1.5 Pet form and skills

+ writeC(_npc.isHideName() ? 0x00 : 0x01);

+ writeC(_npc.isHideName() ? 0x00 : 0x01);

+ writeD(_npc.getSpecialEffect());

+ writeD(_displayEffect);

+ }




@@ -300,7 +452,7 @@

_val = val;

if (_summon.isShowSummonAnimation())

_val = 2; //override for spawn



int npcId = cha.getTemplate().npcId;


if (npcId == 16041 || npcId == 16042)


the red staff is missing....

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Karma Fixet is one comand by admin 


//polyself and u can chnage your char in 1 npc/mobs  what you wannt that dont deserve Karma


sry for it but is true :)

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Karma Fixet is one comand by admin 


//polyself and u can chnage your char in 1 npc/mobs  what you wannt that dont deserve Karma


sry for it but is true :)


this code transform mobs to chars.... it isn't the shame with //polyself

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