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Some idias please guys

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Hey guys we are ready and we have files fixed and all the stuff working after 8 months of work we have a host combany for the server but we are dont know if you peapole lik


GvN? Server?

Normal One? "Low Rate"




Please anwere here so u will gona see the next top server


Some Futures if it's gona be PvP




And That's It

No NPC Buffer And The Rates Will Be x500

Give us some idias


sorry if i am at wronge section

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Personally I like it as retail-like as possible. With the exception of rates which I like a bit higher since I dont really have time to play on a x1 server... also with too low rates many people will be afraid to lose exp hence avoiding pvp. IMO rates of MAX x20 are better. And as little stuff as possible available in NPC shops. Nowadays where you can get b-grd in shops there is absolutely no economy till a/s which takes some of the fun out of the game for me.

Who doesnt remember back in C4 when they finally got their first Karmian set completed after spoiling keymats in Cruma? Oh, the satisfaction :D


Maybe thats just me. Other opinions are just as good though. After all it's a matter of personal preferences...

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Some Futures if it's gona be PvP

No NPC Buffer And The Rates Will Be x500

Give us some idias


500x no NPC buffer? w00t? really now u cant make a 500x srv without buffer..

Anyway I think it should be better a PvP server or a mid rate.

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no npc buffer becaus we need to have an active server not like "log in, xp, buy, pvp"


Ofc We will Have Some Normal Donate's Like


Aio Buffer No extra stuff etc

No donates about armors + etc we dosent like that know we have set the serve ron x100 and we are testing again everything just in case ...!! Give More Idias ppl


Oh And

We will gona have an extra Server like 2 Faction's Angels VS Devils But Not Know Maby Laiter!

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no npc buffer becaus we need to have an active server not like "log in, xp, buy, pvp"


Ofc We will Have Some Normal Donate's Like


Aio Buffer No extra stuff etc

No donates about armors + etc we dosent like that know we have set the serve ron x100 and we are testing again everything just in case ...!! Give More Idias ppl


Oh And

We will gona have an extra Server like 2 Faction's Angels VS Devils But Not Know Maby Laiter!

You should find a gm that knows english well (no offense)

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You should find a gm that knows english well (no offense)

i Know how to speak english but when im typing fast i do Wrongs


Some New Info


RateXp = 100

RateSp = 100

RatePartyXp = 50

RatePartySp = 50

RateDropAdena = 500


EnchantChanceWeapon = 83

EnchantChanceArmor = 83

EnchantChanceJewelry = 83


BlessedEnchantChanceWeapon = 100

BlessedEnchantChanceArmor = 100

BlessedEnchantChanceJewelry = 100


EnchantMaxWeapon = 25

EnchantMaxArmor = 25

EnchantMaxJewelry = 25


EnchantSafeMax = 10


AugmentationTopSkillChance = 95




Offline trade/craft

Restore offline traders/crafters after restart/shutdown.



Global Gatekeeper


Forgotten Scrolls NPC


Voice Commands


We Are Testing

Voice buff command




TvT Command


.tvt (For Join)


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