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[Competition]Signature & Avatar Request(Award:+1karma)


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Hello guys


I open this topic because i want a signature & avatar. I won't select a theme just use whatever you want. The 1st winner gets +1 karma as a reward and the 2nd 1500 adena.


More Info


Text: Justice

Theme: w/e you like (something good)


The competition will end on Friday(22/10) at 20:00 GMT +2.

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Use your imagination :D

he can't just try-noone knows what u RLY like

atleast give a 'kind of theme'

Ex.You want women

L2 players

a comics hero


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he can't just try-noone knows what u RLY like

atleast give a 'kind of theme'

Ex.You want women

L2 players

a comics hero



I don't have problem to be male or female. About the theme use game renders or music. :D


Edit: Date Updated.

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Here is some simple sig... tho i like you current avatar. idk, on your place i would've not changed it at all. )




Nice try i like it. Waiting for other guys too.

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give some time to people

damn it


As you wish. I will give them one more week. I think that is enough.


The competition will end on Friday(22/10) at 20:00 GMT +2.

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well im not willing to spend my time for a karma on a dead forum nor for 1500 adena emho and i belive nobody does.


andronix probably was bored to hell and made u one.

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