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Which Member do you think must be promoted?


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4 Globals

3 L2 mods

1 WoW mod

1 CS Mod

2 L2J Dev

1 Client Dev

5 GOldMembers

0 L2OFF Dev (since we don't got them)


you got enough of everything.

why you want more?


And about promo inside the staff.

I think everyone is doing his own job good/perfectly.


I don't think it needs changes.

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When someone get promotion it stops acting like before,(sharing or reporting xxx topics). -.-


So no reason for promotions.It is disadvantage for forum (?) :-X

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We need promotes for Photoshop section!

never gonna happen..


Coyote deserver to become a G.Mod I think he is enough mature for this position.

coyote already left the G.Mod position.

i expect he don't want to return.

if he wanted that. he would be back already

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    [*] Furiosus to L2 mod

        Guy with great maturity who wants to help the forum

    [*]Demote webm0nst3r and I don’t know maybe Commodus


    [*]Demote Emrys.He is Inactive plus no needed for WoW Section

    [*] Make a LOL section and give privs to AION section and MGN to Phoenix4

      Mature enough with great judge and very good knowledge to games

    [*]Give someone privs to SPam section

    [*]Give MasterDisaster a chance .I think he deserves it

    [*]Promote CriticalError.Very helpful in Client mod(+ some privs there)

    [*]Demote Sofaki.Inactivity?



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    * Furiosus to L2 or even Gmod


        Guy with great maturity who wants to help the forum

Not that im against Furiosus.

but we got 3 L2Mods and 4Gmods

you think we need more?

if we got 4 L2Mods or 5Gmods

then one of the L2Mods or Gmods getting demoted because inactivity

there issn't enough work for them then.

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Nobody? o.O

Since the staff is pretty stable right now, since everybody can co-operate with each other and since many sections are half-dead, why would you need "new blood" ?

Don't forget that they will also need training, so it can even make things worse.


My advice: Do not promote anybody for now, this training part can be fatal.


Oh and.. Do I have to say again that this kind of 'public polls' are simply stupid? ^^


When someone get promotion it stops acting like before,(sharing or reporting xxx topics). -.-


So no reason for promotions.It is disadvantage for forum (?) :-X


Stupid Point No.1 (I said 1, cuz I'm sure I'll see more if the topic doesn't get locked)






Don't do that. Reminds me of Noble® :-X

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Stupid Point No.1 (I said 1, cuz I'm sure I'll see more if the topic doesn't get locked)

So wanna talk for promotions?

+1 to this~>

    * Furiosus to L2 or even Gmod


        Guy with great maturity who wants to help the forum


    * Demote webm0nst3r and I don’t know maybe Commodus


    * Make a LOL section and give privs to AION section and MGN to Phoenix4

      Mature enough with great judge and very good knowledge to games

    * Give Chucky and someone else privs in spam section

      ED can't be online all day..




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So wanna talk for promotions?


Can't you read or w/e?

You said something which I considered a bunch of crap, so I stated my opinion.

Did I ever say "Shut up and talk about promotions?"


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Can't you read or w/e?

You said something which I considered a bunch of crap, so I stated my opinion.

Did I ever say "Shut up and talk about promotions?"


i didn't rly said the opposite... :/


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     * Furiosus to L2 or even Gmod


       Guy with great maturity who wants to help the forum


I've been away for over than a month, so I can't comment that (I do not know whether he is active or not).


   * Demote webm0nst3r and I don’t know maybe Commodus





   * Make a LOL section and give privs to AION section and MGN to Phoenix4

      Mature enough with great judge and very good knowledge to games


For LOL: The same was happening with AION as well, a bunch of guys willing to discuss about the game were asking for a whole new section.

It will end up just like AION did, dead with less than 5 pages of discussion.

For the AION Section Privs: Useless. The section is dead, the 4 gmods can handle it perfectly.


   * Give Chucky and someone else privs in spam section

      ED can't be online all day..


Spam Section Privs? Useless.

Now that monkeys that loved flame wars such as GodPower or 3cm-boy are gone, there is no need for such a priv to be granted to any1.

ED (since he is the only one you mentioned) is not well known for being a good boy, so he can instantly ban anyone causing trouble. ^^

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