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[Discussion-LoL] Do you think that Twitch is overpowered?

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Imo yes, there will be at least 1 or 2 newbies that Twitch will be feeded. + That if you got ganked from a Twitch you have 5-20% survivability + his ulti.

I think they should remake him since we saw what happened to evellyn after these nerfs.


Whats your opinion?

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He is such a victim for lol's shake..

Maybe he is (especially at team fights) but only when he isnt played by a newbie.

But still, his attacks are fucking crazy.

as wrd said:

if twitch is feeded he can pwn everyone

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come on seriously he is more useless than ashe


even ashe > twitch


twitch is so facking weak on defence/hp that super creeps pwn him lol. example how to pwn him , kennen even without complete combo can kill him. just get an elixir on your tank and twitch is useless , be pro

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Dunno at 20lvl+, that you have your tiers and you can play on a more defensive or offensive build and tactic but on my levels is just a pwnage. I have never ever feed a twitch, the opposite, im doing a party get 2 or 3 kills and pretty much golds, but everytime you will have a newbie teammate that gonna feed him.


Even if you buy elixir (its a must ofc on stealth champs) he can play as a normal ganker coming up from a bush and kill you when you are on low hp and probably chasing an enemy.


Also never (At my levels, dunno about higher) your teammate say the misses.

Just imagine me, as a Malzahar at mid with low hp (or an other champ) and twitch comes to kill me.

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well u need experience in order to play twitch.

when i startedd playing i have had 2-10 or 4-15

now i got 20-2 nad my recor on ranked is 40 kills while my team was feeding


1)buying oracle vs twitch is by far the most stupid move u can do(except if ur imba feeded and u cant die xD)

2)u should buy vision wards and place em in key points

both will cost gold, also when some1 got oracle (i see it form hisd buff) i say to my team to focus him even if he is tank

at 1v1 late game he can be pwned from all champions easily while in early he pwn everyone in 1v1 with his expounge


when a team battle start i always w8 3-4 secodns be4 i pop out of stealth in order to see if enemies have already use

all exahust/blinds/ultis

so what u have to do? always have a exahust for twitch and GG


twitch is not op, but if u know to play him u can do amazing thinks

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serisously now she is quite good.


E faks up 2/3 of anyone's hp...

hahahahahha, really.

every champion is good but you must know to play him and to be lucky!

oki thenks veri mats!

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