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[Share]System Folder without Gameguard....No emulation!!!

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Folder system runs without any emulation etc.(For Interlude)

1)Change the system folder

2)We change the file installs of the l2.ini in the folder lineage II \ system to yours!



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It's for interlude guys...sorry forgot to mention it :P

btw the topic get stickied! :D

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Sorry for this lil spam, but i need to post here to see the hidden? ;P bcoz i coulnt before


EDIT: yep, i could see it after post, sorry once more :D


EDIT2: What can we do exactly with this system foldeR? Thanks Btw


P.S: Rapidshare+My ISp = Downloadspeed(0.5kb/s) :S:S:S

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I also thinks that making "see on reply" isnt good coz you will have here spam in few secs...

but anyway "thanks for share" i hate that fraze (most of topiscs here are totaly spamed with that) :P

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