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interlude L2j Lineage2Moon


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You are so pro in Java coding that I have a augmented no grade weapon and that your class change cat says L2 LiberatOrs.

By the way, you can only augment C grade, B grade, A grade, and S grade...


that is from system newbie .! not from pack  *yes i am more pro than you.! so plz stf now and go spam other topic. end of storry.!

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1: Why does your class changer cat say "L2 LiberatOrs"?

2: Why can I augment NO-GRADE WEAPONS?

3: 41 players my ass, more like 4.1 players...

4: What is from system?

5: I will leave this thread when you will pay attention in English class

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1: Why does your class changer cat say "L2 LiberatOrs"?

2: Why can I augment NO-GRADE WEAPONS?

3: 41 players my ass, more like 4.1 players...

4: What is from system?

5: I will leave this thread when you will pay attention in English class


plz dont make me to slut you, but i dont speak eny more with kids like you.

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boys listen me if my server is fail then way for 1 day  my server have record of 41 players?  if you dont like me or you dont like my server just dont spam here..! thanx and for my english yes maybe i dont know good english.. but i know good java coding so i dont kare if you dont like me or you all flame my server.! realy i dont kare

you now the song thats says....


KEEP DREAMING YOU KEEP KEEP DREAMING AWAKE xaxax 1st day no online i was checking your online map on site QQ

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