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[Guide]Saggitarius Guide


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Hahaha why +WIT -INT for sagittarius? Do you really think that in IL and above chronicles WIT still gives you debuff resistance like all noobforums say? THAT WAS C3 AND BELOW ROFLCOPTER. From IL to nowadays chronicles WIT tattoo in warrior just gives you cast spd for cast noblesse blessing faster : O


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  • 4 months later...

Great guide from you once again. You're doing awesome job for newbies. Thanks for it.

omg... Why using chant of blood awaking ( VR ) in archer ? Just tell me a reason ? I just saw it...

It gives haste which is really important for archers...

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  • 2 weeks later...



Pain of Saggitarius PainofSagittarius.jpg : You hit a powerful arrow which damages ur enemy.Much amount of damage,also lethal strike possibility


Lethal Shot LethalShot.jpg : You hit a powerful arrow which damages ur enemy.Much amount of damage,also lethal strike possibility




since when Pain of Saggitarius is Lethal Shot ^^?

fix it with "Regenerates your MP by sacrificing your HP."


anyway .. the guide is realy nice :) good job

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Good effort in making the guide. But could have made it shorter..like  F1, F2, F3, wash rinse repeat with a dash in between :P

thats how "random" saggis playing ur right...

did u even met any saggi that actually knows to play his char?


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sux hard.


plated leather > any other C armor.


eminence bow > any other C bow.


Shyeed's Bow = best A bow.


ill not talk about D items but those are medium not best. so sux.


shield success rate buff ? wtf





ill not talk more since this mistakes are so dumb.

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