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[WTS]Interlude Pack

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Hello MaxCheaters!  I want to sell an interlude pack i have been working on.


Q : Which is the pack you are using?

A : I am using l2jfree


Q : Do you provide source code?

A : OfC


Q : I heard that l2jfree is compiled via maven how can i edit it?

A : You can edit the gameserver source via eclipse by creating a new java project in the project

   explorer. The datapack is compiled via eclipse . But you have to compile the gameserver via maven.


Q : What does the pack contain? Customs / Fixes?






Anti - PHX Announce

Anti - PHX Enchant

Anti - PHX Critical Error

Anti - PHX Multisell Bugg

Anti PvP Bot

L2Walker Fixed

Backstab Restriction (success only from back)

Clan Skills in Olympiad Fixed

Fake Death in Olympiad Fixed

Same IP in Olympiad Fixed

Pre - Frenzy / Zealot and others in Olympiad fixed

Freeze Players in Sub to avoid stuck

Funny Flood Fixed

Force Bugg Fixed

CP Bugg Fixed

Enchant Bugg Fixed

Pet Enchant Fixed

Trade Bugg Fixed

Lifestone Skills Stuck in subclass Fixed

Flagged Players Cannot Use Gatekeeper


FloodProtectors :













Item / Pet Summon,













L2J Attacker - Killer*




* = I provide programs for these ones :)





Customs / Modifications




CTF Event

TvT Event


Fortress Siege

Pc Bang Points

Trivial Event



Voiced Command Handlers


.cl - Teleports a player to his clan leader

.heal - Full Heals a player in peace zones only

.cancel - Cancels all the buffs of a player only in peace zones

.logout - Logs a player out of the game

.online - Shows the amount of online players

.pvp - Teleports a player to the pvp zone of your choice

Away System



Banking System




.joinoly - Enters you in olympiad

.leaveoly - You leave Olympiad

.ctfjoin - Registers you for the ctf events

.ctfleave - You leave the ctf event

.ctfinfo - You get info about a running ctf

.tvtjoin - Registers you for a tvt event

.tvtleave - You leave a tvt event

.tvtinfo - You get info about a running tvt event

.jointrivial - Registers a player for the trivial event

.leavetrivial - Unregisters a player from a trivial event

.pmoff - Enables - Disables Message Refusal Mode

.tradeoff - Enables trade refusal mode

.tradeon - Disables trade refusal mode


NOTE : These commands can be used under specified circumstances in order to avoid exploits



Admin Command Handlers


Commands for the ctf event


//ctf_name, //ctf_desc, //ctf_join_loc,//ctf_edit,//ctf_control,

//ctf_minlvl, //ctf_maxlvl,//ctf_tele_npc,//ctf_tele_team, //ctf_tele_flag,

//ctf_npc, //ctf_npc_pos,

//ctf_reward, //ctf_reward_amount,

//ctf_team_add, //ctf_team_remove, //ctf_team_pos, c//tf_team_color,//ctf_team_flag,

//ctf_join, //ctf_teleport,//ctf_start, //ctf_abort, //ctf_finish,

//ctf_sit, //ctf_dump, //ctf_save, //ctf_load, //ctf_jointime,

//ctf_eventtime, //ctf_autoevent,//ctf_minplayers,//ctf_maxplayers


Commands for the DeathMatch Event


//dmevent, //dmevent_name, //dmevent_desc, //dmevent_join_loc,

//dmevent_minlvl, //dmevent_maxlvl, //dmevent_npc, //dmevent_npc_pos,

//dmevent_reward, //dmevent_reward_amount, //dmevent_spawnpos, //dmevent_color,

//dmevent_join, //dmevent_teleport, //dmevent_start, //dmevent_abort, //dmevent_finish,

//dmevent_sit, //dmevent_dump, //dmevent_save, //dmevent_load


Commands for the Fortress Siege Event



//fos_name, //fos_desc, //fos_join_loc,//fos_tele1,//fos_tele2,

//fos_minlvl, //fos_maxlvl,//fos_door6,//fos_tele3,//fos_tele4,

//fos_npc, //fos_npc_pos, //fos_door1,//fos_door2,//fos_door3,

//fos_reward, //fos_reward_amount,//fos_door4,//fos_door5,

//fos_teamname, //fos_team_pos, //fos_team_color,//fos_team_flag,//fos_team_cent,

//fos_join, //fos_teleport, //fos_start, //fos_abort, //fos_finish,

//fos_sit, //fos_dump, //fos_save, //fos_load, //fos_jointime,

//fos_eventtime, //fos_autoevent,//fos_minplayers,//fos_maxplayers


Commands for the trivial event















Commands for the TvT Event



//tvt_name, //tvt_desc, //tvt_join_loc,

//tvt_minlvl, //tvt_maxlvl,

//tvt_npc, //tvt_npc_pos,

//tvt_reward, //tvt_reward_amount,

//tvt_team_add, //tvt_team_remove, //tvt_team_pos, //tvt_team_color,

//tvt_join, //tvt_teleport, //tvt_start, //tvt_abort, //tvt_finish,

//tvt_sit, //tvt_dump, //tvt_save, //tvt_load, //tvt_jointime,

//tvt_eventtime, //tvt_autoevent,//tvt_minplayers,//tvt_maxplayers





Custom Nobless Item [id : 6673]


Custom Hero Item [id : 3481]



Color Modification


PvP Color System

Pk Color title system



Starting Modifications


Custom Starting Level [as you wish]

Custom Starting Items

Custom Starting Title

Custom Subclass Starting Level

Welcome PM On Start




Announce Castle Lord's Login

Announce Hero's Login

Auto Announce PvP / PK Kills



Misc Modification


Server name on restart

Keyboard movement [ with the arrows ]




Phew... At Last i finished writing.. xD


Now about the price


The price of the source is 30 euros [discussionable price]


I accept only paysafe card [ 3 cards x 10 euros ]


For more info just pm me.



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i smell l2jharpun :P

no it is l2jfree

Everything from your pack is shared here , everyone can spend some hours to do it in order to buy it


yeah you are right :/


lock it


i may share it :/

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