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Lineage Is Going To <<Become>> WoW ???

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I Think You Are Greek From The Way You Are Typing.

Please Delete Your Facebook Cause Its Gonna Ruin Your Family Economy For The Wasted Spend For You To Learn How To Write English.


THaNkZ BraH!

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You are so wrong you can't even imagine.


1st your opinion fails at the very start since lineage and wow shows a totally different development progress in everything.

2nd your opinion fails because lineage is a totally different game not even close to compare it with wow the only similarity is both is an mmorpg.

3rd you basically say that lineage have things copied from wow, newsflash kid every mmo yes your mighty wow too copy things from other mmos.


Heres a question try to answer it if you can.

If blizzard copy things to their games you dont even notice it and yíou say wow its cool, but if NCSoft copy things to their games you start to complains and say its like this or this game, and my question is why?


PS.: for the pokemon thing i see you have an opinion but you can back it up with valid reasons?

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guys, i wrote it 1hundred times.i mean that lineage copies much things from wow.i wrote it like this only to emphasize it.i didn't mean that lineage will be the same as wow.as all we know l2 is much diffirent than wow.i only wanted to refer this.So i want to say a sorry if i made you got confused

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guys, i wrote it 1hundred times.i mean that lineage copies much things from wow.i wrote it like this only to emphasize it.i didn't mean that lineage will be the same as wow.as all we know l2 is much diffirent than wow.i only wanted to refer this.So i want to say a sorry if i made you got confused




And exactly thats where you are wrong you cant bring up anything to back up your opinion and you cant accept what others say while you are totally wrong.

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