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[Discussion]What do you think about Freya

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You can't say people are leaving official server because of lack of money. It would mean that people had money until Interlude, and since Kamael release they rapidly lost their money and the official server lost its players? Just makes no sense.


All old-school players which I knew, from official and private servers, either left lineage or started playing other game, like Aion (although it sucks :/ ). I myself remain playing Lineage 2 only because of free-world pvp. There is so few games with that kind of pvp like Lineage 2. And it is the best pvp system I came across so far. The only other game I saw with this system was MU Online, which was my first MMORPG ever actually :D


I think year 2011/2012 will be a lethal year for Lineage 2, and it will die out with the new release of Goddess of Destruction. Goddess of Destruction is in my opinion nothing but a copy of Aion (so many visual aspects from Aion), which is fatal mistake of NCSoft. They think Aion has dominated the world so that why they are trying to make Lineage 2 look more like Aion, but Aion is a failure. Yes it has nice graphics, it has nice quest systems, but PvP system is boring, there's many ways to cheat in PvP (faction kill cheating), and the "castle sieges" in Aion are some random boring fortresses with bosses inside, you finish off the boss, you get the fortress, hf. Furthermore year 2011/2012 will be so full of new AWESOME mmo-scene-changing games such as Continent of the Ninth, T.E.R.A, Blade & Soul, etc., these games will give Lineage 2 coup de grace and it will end.


Still Lineage 2 will remain in my memory for EVER. It was such a great fun playing it when I was young, Lineage 2 tought me English, which I sucked at when I was young. Lineage 2 made me money because of Virtual Currency Trade. Lineage 2 has overtaken a piece of my heart.


Thanks for reading. It's 0:16 AM in the morning, I am sleepy and going to sleep.



Haha ,nice. I guess each 1 of us has a similar opinion to yours ,and most of all i think you were right about what you said about l2 era coming to an end. Not because of the developers though but because of the new games that are waiting to be released.

But still ,let's see what the future brings to us

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well ... i can't judge it cause i play'd just 2 servers freya .. one mid-rate and one high-rate ..

as high-rate it was good .. pretty good balance , etc

as mid-rate it was a fail because it became a farm game ... if you want to stand a chanse in pvp you must farm alot to get s80/s84 and atributes ... S grade became useless

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You can't say people are leaving official server because of lack of money. It would mean that people had money until Interlude, and since Kamael release they rapidly lost their money and the official server lost its players? Just makes no sense.


All old-school players which I knew, from official and private servers, either left lineage or started playing other game, like Aion (although it sucks :/ ). I myself remain playing Lineage 2 only because of free-world pvp. There is so few games with that kind of pvp like Lineage 2. And it is the best pvp system I came across so far. The only other game I saw with this system was MU Online, which was my first MMORPG ever actually :D


I think year 2011/2012 will be a lethal year for Lineage 2, and it will die out with the new release of Goddess of Destruction. Goddess of Destruction is in my opinion nothing but a copy of Aion (so many visual aspects from Aion), which is fatal mistake of NCSoft. They think Aion has dominated the world so that why they are trying to make Lineage 2 look more like Aion, but Aion is a failure. Yes it has nice graphics, it has nice quest systems, but PvP system is boring, there's many ways to cheat in PvP (faction kill cheating), and the "castle sieges" in Aion are some random boring fortresses with bosses inside, you finish off the boss, you get the fortress, hf. Furthermore year 2011/2012 will be so full of new AWESOME mmo-scene-changing games such as Continent of the Ninth, T.E.R.A, Blade & Soul, etc., these games will give Lineage 2 coup de grace and it will end.


Still Lineage 2 will remain in my memory for EVER. It was such a great fun playing it when I was young, Lineage 2 tought me English, which I sucked at when I was young. Lineage 2 made me money because of Virtual Currency Trade. Lineage 2 has overtaken a piece of my heart.


Thanks for reading. It's 0:16 AM in the morning, I am sleepy and going to sleep.



your kind of right. i agree with u that many ppl left cause of the changes. and that the game will (probably) be a fail in GoD but... its still l2. and unill i try it i cant talk that its awful. the time will show us

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Well... i was testing few freya server, and guess what... i didnt like it so much. Reason?... Mostly because im old school playing supporter. All these new things, skills and other shits ar driving me crazy. When will disapear last IL server im going to leave l2, or even faster because there are no good C4/IL servers anymore.


P.S. Thats just my opinion

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Well... i was testing few freya server, and guess what... i didnt like it so much. Reason?... Mostly because im old school playing supporter. All these new things, skills and other shits ar driving me crazy. When will disapear last IL server im going to leave l2, or even faster because there are no good C4/IL servers anymore.


P.S. Thats just my opinion


Yep sux hard, anyway soon will be 90% fantasy game... C3 <3 Good Memories.

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from hb to today....l2 is dead:|....i dont like freya...because armors\weapons:|....are ugly :))

you are ugly.... pls ppl who play male human fighter with emostyle hair dressed with angel slayer or DB and draconic just to keep their mouth shut...

Well... i was testing few freya server, and guess what... i didnt like it so much. Reason?... Mostly because im old school playing supporter. All these new things, skills and other shits ar driving me crazy. When will disapear last IL server im going to leave l2, or even faster because there are no good C4/IL servers anymore.


P.S. Thats just my opinion

bb nobody will cry for you. i know 5 more ppl from my friends who like wow who started playing freya so nobody gives a sh*t trust me....

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I do not understand how people like to play in freya :| ... just too much new skills and items i rly prefere Interlude

freya dont have new skills actually.... :D

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