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this script shows all clanhalls (Name,Location,Lease,Paid until), if clanhall is free, in column paid until will shows "Free"






$username = "root"; //your mysql username
$password = "root"; //your mysql password
$host = "localhost"; //your mysql host
$database = "l2jdb"; //your mysql/lineage database

mysql_connect($host,$username,$password) or die(mysql_error()); 

mysql_select_db($database) or die(mysql_error());

$query = mysql_query("SELECT name,location,lease,paidUntil FROM clanhall ORDER BY location ASC");

  print "<table>";

  print "<tr bgcolor='#707070' style='color:#ffffff;'><th>Name</th><th>Location</th><th>Lease</th><th>Paid until</th></tr>";



    print "<tr bgcolor='" . $bgcolor . "'><td>" . $row[name] . "</td><td>" . $row[location] . "</td><td>" . $row[lease] . "</td><td>" . $paiduntil . "</td></tr>";  



  print "</table>";



Credits: Me (DarkKnight / DarkKnightCZ)



but cant guarantee paid until (dont have syntax of that table), if someone sends me syntax of paidUntil (in clanhalls table in database), i will update it


and if you wanna script for showing free clanhalls only or if you wanna add some collumn (like owner), just tell :)


Very Nice man thanks .... keep it up...

so i can understand is this like a npc? a command? only for admins?

Its for Site side... its shows
(Name,Location,Lease,Paid until), if clanhall is free, in column paid until will shows "Free"

........Btw .my question is... can i use this one ... for ucoz template... ?


HouLiGaN : no, it is for website :)

crazynoodle: i think it would work, but i dont know, how ucoz works, so if you send me it, i can modify it and post here guide :)




Leki: but if you have apache server with mod_php, it will work :)

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