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I wish y like guys... my frist Share here...



server: http://rapidshare.com/files/90026157/ServidorC5Full.rar - fixed

Fix: http://rapidshare.com/files/76403038/L2ServerC5__shortcut_fix_.zip

Update HTML : http://rapidshare.com/files/76403046/html-ex5.rar


Go ahead...



Acknowledged Problems


Spouse location in spouse status window isn't implemented


                          L2 Extender GM Commands


//set grade [0..20] Set player grade (0:No grade;1-10 High Grade; 11-20 Member)

//set votes [0..9] Set recommendation points?

//set social [0..255] Set social points

//set reb_pts [0..255] Set rebirth points on players

//set reb_times [0..255] Set maximum rebirth times


//reset reb_stats Reset Rebirth stats for player

//reset reb_skills Reset Rebirth skills

//reset spouse Reset spouse status (must be used on man and woman)


//zariche info Check Zariche status

//zariche status Announce Zariche status and location

//zariche trace Teleport to Zariche User

//zariche reset Reset all Zariche status (Weapon will dissapear)


//filter add [ip] [mask] Ban IP or subnet

//filter del [ip] [mask] Temporary release IP or subnet

//filter reload Refresh FilterList.txt


//create_wyvern [item_id] [pet_level] Create wyvern

//create_pet2 [item_id] [pet_id] [pet_level] Create pet


//setkarma [0..99999] Set players karma

//recall2 Recall NPC or players to GM


//giveitem1 [item_id] [amount] Give players the defined item, works like //summon

//giveitem2 [item_enchant] [item_id] Give player enchanted items, works like  //summon2

//giveitem3 [item_id_from] [item_id_to] Transfer item from defined area to player, works like //summon3

//deleteitem [item_id] [amount] Delete defined item from player


                                Update History



[E] Fixed problem where Karma is 0 after Zariche user relogs



[E] Added function to allow/prohibit female proposal and homoerotism

[E] Fixed problem with member's skill, armor sets passive skill for +6 aren't effective



[E] Fixed errors on rebirth times when it's stored in db



[E] Added auto grant/remove Hero's skill, can be defined at members section under extender user interface *Note

[E] Fixed faulty teleportation feature


Note: Please define skill parameters for Skill ID 375, 376, 1374, 1375 and 1376 beforehand.



[E] Added repeated announcement for siege time, value is user defined on how soon before siege starts (please renew SysMessage.txt -2000103)



[E] Added feature where name and nickname will change according to social value *Note

[E] Added GM command //set [type] [value], can be used for these commands: //set_vip_pts, //set_reb_pts, //set_reb_times

[E] Added GM command //reset [type], can be used with the following commands: //reset_reb_stats, //reset_reb_skills, //reset_spouse

[E] Changed formula for interval EXP reward (Note: when EXP rewarded is lower than 42000 for lv 79/80, total EXP won't be increased)



Member: Gold/Gold;

Married Man: Green/Green;

Married Woman: Orange/Orange;

Social Value 0: White/Green;

Social Value 1-63: Blue/Green;

Social Value 64-127: Green/Green;

Social Value 128-191: Green/Blue;

Social Value 192-255: Green/Green;



[E] Added feature to rewards online players EXP or item at defined interval



[E] Fixed rebirth HTML error reporting of PDEF and MATK value *Note

[E] Added new GM commands //giveitem1, //giveitem2, //giveitem3, and //deleteitem

[E] Skill effect of i_sp is changed to delevel when it's -1 to -100 (e.g. {i_sp;-1;diff} will delevel 1 level) *note

[E] Skill effect of i_sp is changed to set accumulated points when it's -101 to -110 (e.g. {i_sp;-101;diff} will be used to set 1 accumulated point)

[E] Skill effect of i_sp is changed to set member level when it's -111 to -120 (e.g. {i_sp;-111;diff} will set 1 member level)

[E] Skill effect of i_sp is changed to reduce EXP when it's -121 to -21 billion (e.g. {i_sp;-1000;diff} is use to reduce 1000 EXP)


*Note: Please renew SysMessage.txt, ex_rebirth_combat.htm



[E] Added functions to dynamically enable/disable env.int glows

[E] Fixed problem where SP is reduced when deleveling scroll is used



[E] Fixed teleportation ability is unusable when player learned [Return to Giran] Skill

[E] Fixed problem where if player name exceeds 8 character, they aren't able to check/set clan priviledges



[E] Added GM command //recall2

[E] Added teleport ability, player can activate extender user interface and click teleportation (please renew serverside html)



[E] Recommendation can be used on same players multiple times



[E] Dagger class -- Fatal strike will only be effective against players (Effect reduce CP to 0), uneffective against NPC

[E] Fixed false report of "You can feel the effect of Fatal Attack" from reporting to attacker to victim



[E] Fixed faulty report when clan alliance exceeds 12



[E] Added features where mobs won't drop defined item



[E] GM command //setkarma no longer restrict for GM only



[E] Unowned Zariche dissapear after someones pickup when it's already expired is changed to auto dissapear when expire even if nobody picks it up



[E] Dynamically set whether spouse teleport is usable, and whether battle/chaotic status is able to use spouse teleport



[E] Added reward for rebirth

[E] Rebirth times can be increased with exchange rebirth points is changed to increase rebirth times when using rebirth points



[E] Added new GM command to create wyvern (//create_wyvern) and create any mobs as pet with (//create_pet2) command



1. Please add @wyvern to categorydata.txt under strider and pet_group category

2. Mount/Unmount is usable when riding wyvern



[E] Fixed when BOSS is killed, EXP will overflow and cause characters to turn to Lv 1

[E] Added packet filter mechanism (Please refer to PacketFilter.ini and copy that to L2Server folder)



[E] Added members priviledged skill acquire (skill will remain after reborn/subjob, if member status is removed skill will dissapear as well)

[E] Fixed problem of when Summons are paralyzed, damage reflecting spells will remain effective



[E] Fixed EXP won't reduce if player dies



[E] Added support for C5.5 new headgears

[E] blessed parameter in itemdata.txt is used to define weapon glow effect level (set 0 for default enchant level)

[E] blessed parameter in itemdata can be used to define level of enchant to activate armor set effects (set 0 for default value 6)

[E] skill effect i_sp value from -1 to -99 is changed to cause delevel (e.g. {i_sp;-1;diff) will delevel 1 lv) *Note 1

[E] Skill effect i_sp value from -100 to -21 billion can be used to deduct EXP value (e.g. {i_sp;-100;diff} will deduct 100 EXP) *Note 2



1. Experience will be 0% after deleveling (Lv80 100% will reduce to Lv79 0%)

2. Level 1 character will be remain Lv 1 after EXP reduction or delevel, Lv 79/80 will have accurate EXP reduction/Delevel value



[E] Added hero glow upon equipping defined headgear item id (Hero will have glow even if not equipped with that headgear)



[E] Added announcement for Castle owners, for castle owner to ride wyvern simply ride a strider and equip castle owner helm



[E] Added features to adjust character level after rebirth (Instead of 1), and user defined rebirth point reward for each rebirth



[E] Renewed mechanism for clan members limit check



[E] Renewed examination mechanism, to disable all examination  when examination period is set to 0, other options set to 0 will disable the corresponding examination



[E] Disconnect user if protocol version isn't reported within a timeout defined



[E] Adjusted enter world timeout disconnection to disconnection when no request packets are sent

[E] Fixed CP restoration for players who picks up Zariche

[E] Fixed problem where players slaughtered by Zariche and Zariche user still drops item



[E] Added feature where user will disconnect if they didn't enter world within a defined duration

[E] Add interval limitations between adding/removing hot keys

[E] Added support for Zariche tracking on C5.5 client



[E] Added packet logging feature, go to Host -> Packet Log menu to enable or disable function



[E] Fixed problem where when S grade mastery will dissapear when reborned characters relogs

[E] Fixed problem where Zariche user Karma/PK not restored when Zariche expires during user offline



[E] Added Zariche sword glow effect



[E] Fixed problem where clan priviledge for players isn't refreshed in synch with players status, causing clan features to be unusable

[E] Added Zariche system administrative command (//zariche [info | status | trace | reset])

[E] Added to announce Zariche status globally at every interval defined

[E] Added feature where members will be able to gain extra EXP and rewards *Note


Note: Please use //setgrade command to set players members level (0: no grade, 1-10 high grade, 11-20 members)



[E] Added permanent IP ban to banned IP that still spams server with connection

[E] Added IP connectivity administrative GM commands



1. Using independent filter settings, please refer to FilterList.txt to understand it's format (Unused IP for security)

2. Banned IP's SYN will be discarded, because banned IP cannot establish any connection with server

3. Use Extend -> Host -> Manage Filters to use IP filter list, Reload Filters function can be used to refresh filter list

4. //filter add can be used to add IP into the IP filter list and be effective immediately



[E] Skill feature for Zariche where when it's user dies and Zariche drops, Zariche power will be reinitialized

[E] Added feature where Zariche cannot combat with low level players



[E] Fixed skill enchanting error where players unable to enchant skill at level 79/80 *Note


Note: Skill enhance has been changed to not consume EXP, but consume 10 times the amount of SP needed.



[E] Fixed problem where clan members unable to use clan feature

[E] Fixed clan priviledge window of faulty report for number of clan members *Note


Note: Please execute DBScripts\PledgePower_proc.sql



[E] Added feature to disable Rebirth point exchange function when player is dead

[E] Added feature to limit maximum connection per IP and maximum recurrent connection per duration per IP



[E] Fixed faulty location announcement when Zariche user comes online

[E] Fixed faulty quest status when players relogin

[E] Added character rank *Note



0 Vagabond: No Clan 5. Baron: Nobless

1 Vassal: 6. Viscount: Clan Leader

2: Heir: Clan member 7: Count: Member

3: Knight: 8: Marquis: Hero

4: Elder: Reborned Players



[E] Fixed problem with fishing and Inventory Slot increase skills unable to learn



[E] Fixed Clan Priviledge problem

[E] Added a feature where Zariche users won't be able to receive buffs or heal

[E] Added a feature where when Zariche user kills another player, Zariche will be engulfed in flame

[E] Added a feature where when Zariche user kills another player, that player killed won't have item drop and EXP drop penalty

[E] After Zariche is dropped from a player and picked up, announcement for that new player that picked up Zariche is fixed to be more precise when he kills another player or teleport to a new zone.\



[E] Added Zariche features where it's users won't be able to join a party

[E] Added Zariche features where it's users will automatically withdraw from party, and HP/MP/CP will be fully restored



[E] Fixed server crashing issue when announcement contains % character

[E] Fixed faulty Zariche duration settings

[E] Added Seal Stone drop rate uneffected by Adena drop rate

[E] Added a feature where all players will get an announcement when Zariche user using teleport



[E] Fixed system status showing unknown area when displaying Zariche and spouse location

[E] Added GM IP filter, bypass keyword filter, DB connection settings interface

[E] Added Zariche appearance red sky and earthquake effect

[E] Added Zariche administrative GM commands



[E] Added Extender Menu announcement administrative command for GM



[E] Fixed dissapearing hotkeys and problem with hotkeys turning grey

[E] Fixed dissapearing rebirth skill after relogin

[E] Fixed EXP reduction when level 78 players kills lower level monsters

[E] Added Rebirth Skill Setting interface

[E] Added a feature to dynamically adjust few types of rates (adena, exp, drops, etc.)



[E] Added rebirth, marriage, zariche settings interface

[E] Added spouse party invite feature in marriage interface

[E] Simultaneously equipping 2 headgears supported, can be unequipped normally, there is no need to re-equip after relogin *Note1 Note2

[E] Added rebirth required level and level after return rebirth points settings in rebirth system settings. *Note 3

[E] Social option can be used to show [Extended User Menu] and [Members User Menu]. Note 4



1. 8184 8185 8186 will be occupying both headgear slot, please define  slot_bit_type={hair} for these items in itemdata.txt

2. 8187 8188 8189 will be occupying right headgear slot, please define  slot_bit_type={back} for these items in  itemdata.txt

3. Please renew html files

4. Please edit actionname.dat, for actual image please refer to Menu.jpg





gimme some info about skills and other crap.

Acknowledged Problems


Spouse location in spouse status window isn't implemented


                          L2 Extender GM Commands


//set grade [0..20] Set player grade (0:No grade;1-10 High Grade; 11-20 Member)

//set votes [0..9] Set recommendation points?

//set social [0..255] Set social points

//set reb_pts [0..255] Set rebirth points on players

//set reb_times [0..255] Set maximum rebirth times


//reset reb_stats Reset Rebirth stats for player

//reset reb_skills Reset Rebirth skills

//reset spouse Reset spouse status (must be used on man and woman)


//zariche info Check Zariche status

//zariche status Announce Zariche status and location

//zariche trace Teleport to Zariche User

//zariche reset Reset all Zariche status (Weapon will dissapear)


//filter add [ip] [mask] Ban IP or subnet

//filter del [ip] [mask] Temporary release IP or subnet

//filter reload Refresh FilterList.txt


//create_wyvern [item_id] [pet_level] Create wyvern

//create_pet2 [item_id] [pet_id] [pet_level] Create pet


//setkarma [0..99999] Set players karma

//recall2 Recall NPC or players to GM


//giveitem1 [item_id] [amount] Give players the defined item, works like //summon

//giveitem2 [item_enchant] [item_id] Give player enchanted items, works like  //summon2

//giveitem3 [item_id_from] [item_id_to] Transfer item from defined area to player, works like //summon3

//deleteitem [item_id] [amount] Delete defined item from player


                                Update History



[E] Fixed problem where Karma is 0 after Zariche user relogs



[E] Added function to allow/prohibit female proposal and homoerotism

[E] Fixed problem with member's skill, armor sets passive skill for +6 aren't effective



[E] Fixed errors on rebirth times when it's stored in db



[E] Added auto grant/remove Hero's skill, can be defined at members section under extender user interface *Note

[E] Fixed faulty teleportation feature


Note: Please define skill parameters for Skill ID 375, 376, 1374, 1375 and 1376 beforehand.



[E] Added repeated announcement for siege time, value is user defined on how soon before siege starts (please renew SysMessage.txt -2000103)



[E] Added feature where name and nickname will change according to social value *Note

[E] Added GM command //set [type] [value], can be used for these commands: //set_vip_pts, //set_reb_pts, //set_reb_times

[E] Added GM command //reset [type], can be used with the following commands: //reset_reb_stats, //reset_reb_skills, //reset_spouse

[E] Changed formula for interval EXP reward (Note: when EXP rewarded is lower than 42000 for lv 79/80, total EXP won't be increased)



Member: Gold/Gold;

Married Man: Green/Green;

Married Woman: Orange/Orange;

Social Value 0: White/Green;

Social Value 1-63: Blue/Green;

Social Value 64-127: Green/Green;

Social Value 128-191: Green/Blue;

Social Value 192-255: Green/Green;



[E] Added feature to rewards online players EXP or item at defined interval



[E] Fixed rebirth HTML error reporting of PDEF and MATK value *Note

[E] Added new GM commands //giveitem1, //giveitem2, //giveitem3, and //deleteitem

[E] Skill effect of i_sp is changed to delevel when it's -1 to -100 (e.g. {i_sp;-1;diff} will delevel 1 level) *note

[E] Skill effect of i_sp is changed to set accumulated points when it's -101 to -110 (e.g. {i_sp;-101;diff} will be used to set 1 accumulated point)

[E] Skill effect of i_sp is changed to set member level when it's -111 to -120 (e.g. {i_sp;-111;diff} will set 1 member level)

[E] Skill effect of i_sp is changed to reduce EXP when it's -121 to -21 billion (e.g. {i_sp;-1000;diff} is use to reduce 1000 EXP)


*Note: Please renew SysMessage.txt, ex_rebirth_combat.htm



[E] Added functions to dynamically enable/disable env.int glows

[E] Fixed problem where SP is reduced when deleveling scroll is used



[E] Fixed teleportation ability is unusable when player learned [Return to Giran] Skill

[E] Fixed problem where if player name exceeds 8 character, they aren't able to check/set clan priviledges



[E] Added GM command //recall2

[E] Added teleport ability, player can activate extender user interface and click teleportation (please renew serverside html)



[E] Recommendation can be used on same players multiple times



[E] Dagger class -- Fatal strike will only be effective against players (Effect reduce CP to 0), uneffective against NPC

[E] Fixed false report of "You can feel the effect of Fatal Attack" from reporting to attacker to victim



[E] Fixed faulty report when clan alliance exceeds 12



[E] Added features where mobs won't drop defined item



[E] GM command //setkarma no longer restrict for GM only



[E] Unowned Zariche dissapear after someones pickup when it's already expired is changed to auto dissapear when expire even if nobody picks it up



[E] Dynamically set whether spouse teleport is usable, and whether battle/chaotic status is able to use spouse teleport



[E] Added reward for rebirth

[E] Rebirth times can be increased with exchange rebirth points is changed to increase rebirth times when using rebirth points



[E] Added new GM command to create wyvern (//create_wyvern) and create any mobs as pet with (//create_pet2) command



1. Please add @wyvern to categorydata.txt under strider and pet_group category

2. Mount/Unmount is usable when riding wyvern



[E] Fixed when BOSS is killed, EXP will overflow and cause characters to turn to Lv 1

[E] Added packet filter mechanism (Please refer to PacketFilter.ini and copy that to L2Server folder)



[E] Added members priviledged skill acquire (skill will remain after reborn/subjob, if member status is removed skill will dissapear as well)

[E] Fixed problem of when Summons are paralyzed, damage reflecting spells will remain effective



[E] Fixed EXP won't reduce if player dies



[E] Added support for C5.5 new headgears

[E] blessed parameter in itemdata.txt is used to define weapon glow effect level (set 0 for default enchant level)

[E] blessed parameter in itemdata can be used to define level of enchant to activate armor set effects (set 0 for default value 6)

[E] skill effect i_sp value from -1 to -99 is changed to cause delevel (e.g. {i_sp;-1;diff) will delevel 1 lv) *Note 1

[E] Skill effect i_sp value from -100 to -21 billion can be used to deduct EXP value (e.g. {i_sp;-100;diff} will deduct 100 EXP) *Note 2



1. Experience will be 0% after deleveling (Lv80 100% will reduce to Lv79 0%)

2. Level 1 character will be remain Lv 1 after EXP reduction or delevel, Lv 79/80 will have accurate EXP reduction/Delevel value



[E] Added hero glow upon equipping defined headgear item id (Hero will have glow even if not equipped with that headgear)



[E] Added announcement for Castle owners, for castle owner to ride wyvern simply ride a strider and equip castle owner helm



[E] Added features to adjust character level after rebirth (Instead of 1), and user defined rebirth point reward for each rebirth



[E] Renewed mechanism for clan members limit check



[E] Renewed examination mechanism, to disable all examination  when examination period is set to 0, other options set to 0 will disable the corresponding examination



[E] Disconnect user if protocol version isn't reported within a timeout defined



[E] Adjusted enter world timeout disconnection to disconnection when no request packets are sent

[E] Fixed CP restoration for players who picks up Zariche

[E] Fixed problem where players slaughtered by Zariche and Zariche user still drops item



[E] Added feature where user will disconnect if they didn't enter world within a defined duration

[E] Add interval limitations between adding/removing hot keys

[E] Added support for Zariche tracking on C5.5 client



[E] Added packet logging feature, go to Host -> Packet Log menu to enable or disable function



[E] Fixed problem where when S grade mastery will dissapear when reborned characters relogs

[E] Fixed problem where Zariche user Karma/PK not restored when Zariche expires during user offline



[E] Added Zariche sword glow effect



[E] Fixed problem where clan priviledge for players isn't refreshed in synch with players status, causing clan features to be unusable

[E] Added Zariche system administrative command (//zariche [info | status | trace | reset])

[E] Added to announce Zariche status globally at every interval defined

[E] Added feature where members will be able to gain extra EXP and rewards *Note


Note: Please use //setgrade command to set players members level (0: no grade, 1-10 high grade, 11-20 members)



[E] Added permanent IP ban to banned IP that still spams server with connection

[E] Added IP connectivity administrative GM commands



1. Using independent filter settings, please refer to FilterList.txt to understand it's format (Unused IP for security)

2. Banned IP's SYN will be discarded, because banned IP cannot establish any connection with server

3. Use Extend -> Host -> Manage Filters to use IP filter list, Reload Filters function can be used to refresh filter list

4. //filter add can be used to add IP into the IP filter list and be effective immediately



[E] Skill feature for Zariche where when it's user dies and Zariche drops, Zariche power will be reinitialized

[E] Added feature where Zariche cannot combat with low level players



[E] Fixed skill enchanting error where players unable to enchant skill at level 79/80 *Note


Note: Skill enhance has been changed to not consume EXP, but consume 10 times the amount of SP needed.



[E] Fixed problem where clan members unable to use clan feature

[E] Fixed clan priviledge window of faulty report for number of clan members *Note


Note: Please execute DBScripts\PledgePower_proc.sql



[E] Added feature to disable Rebirth point exchange function when player is dead

[E] Added feature to limit maximum connection per IP and maximum recurrent connection per duration per IP



[E] Fixed faulty location announcement when Zariche user comes online

[E] Fixed faulty quest status when players relogin

[E] Added character rank *Note



0 Vagabond: No Clan 5. Baron: Nobless

1 Vassal: 6. Viscount: Clan Leader

2: Heir: Clan member 7: Count: Member

3: Knight: 8: Marquis: Hero

4: Elder: Reborned Players



[E] Fixed problem with fishing and Inventory Slot increase skills unable to learn



[E] Fixed Clan Priviledge problem

[E] Added a feature where Zariche users won't be able to receive buffs or heal

[E] Added a feature where when Zariche user kills another player, Zariche will be engulfed in flame

[E] Added a feature where when Zariche user kills another player, that player killed won't have item drop and EXP drop penalty

[E] After Zariche is dropped from a player and picked up, announcement for that new player that picked up Zariche is fixed to be more precise when he kills another player or teleport to a new zone.\



[E] Added Zariche features where it's users won't be able to join a party

[E] Added Zariche features where it's users will automatically withdraw from party, and HP/MP/CP will be fully restored



[E] Fixed server crashing issue when announcement contains % character

[E] Fixed faulty Zariche duration settings

[E] Added Seal Stone drop rate uneffected by Adena drop rate

[E] Added a feature where all players will get an announcement when Zariche user using teleport



[E] Fixed system status showing unknown area when displaying Zariche and spouse location

[E] Added GM IP filter, bypass keyword filter, DB connection settings interface

[E] Added Zariche appearance red sky and earthquake effect

[E] Added Zariche administrative GM commands



[E] Added Extender Menu announcement administrative command for GM



[E] Fixed dissapearing hotkeys and problem with hotkeys turning grey

[E] Fixed dissapearing rebirth skill after relogin

[E] Fixed EXP reduction when level 78 players kills lower level monsters

[E] Added Rebirth Skill Setting interface

[E] Added a feature to dynamically adjust few types of rates (adena, exp, drops, etc.)



[E] Added rebirth, marriage, zariche settings interface

[E] Added spouse party invite feature in marriage interface

[E] Simultaneously equipping 2 headgears supported, can be unequipped normally, there is no need to re-equip after relogin *Note1 Note2

[E] Added rebirth required level and level after return rebirth points settings in rebirth system settings. *Note 3

[E] Social option can be used to show [Extended User Menu] and [Members User Menu]. Note 4



1. 8184 8185 8186 will be occupying both headgear slot, please define  slot_bit_type={hair} for these items in itemdata.txt

2. 8187 8188 8189 will be occupying right headgear slot, please define  slot_bit_type={back} for these items in  itemdata.txt

3. Please renew html files

4. Please edit actionname.dat, for actual image please refer to Menu.jpg


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