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[League Of Legends][Guide]Twitch The Plague Rat (Patch

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hi, i decided to make the first guide in MxC for the game "League of Legends"

This guide is about Twitch


97tjer.png Twitch The Plague Rat


The city-state of Zaun is a twisted realm of science and magic run amok. The air is choked with pollution from the countless factories and magic labs that spew waste into the sky. As polluted as the sky is in Zaun, its subterranean levels are far worse. The waste products of Zaun's many different scientific and magical endeavors have flowed together in its sewers, mixing into a toxic and mysterious concoction. Rising up from this alchemical nightmare is a single plague rat. Unlike his lesser evolved cousins, Twitch (as he calls himself) can talk and read and interact with the world as well as any of the other sentient beings in Valoran. Twitch has come to the League of Legends to represent himselfthe only one of his kindon the Fields of Justice.


While Twitch's true motivations remain known only to him, his prowess in the arena is a matter of public record. As a creature of the sewers, he is able to blend in with the shadows and ambush unwary victims of his choosing. He has collected a significant quantity of the toxic soup that collects in Zaun's underground, and he coats his crossbow with it. The effect of being shot with one of Twitch's crossbow bolts is extremely debilitating. Even without his poison, he will outright infect those he chooses to attack, as is the nature of a plague rat. As an act of desperation, Twitch may rapidly unleash a flurry of bolts at his foes. He madly peppers a focused area, though with mercifully reduced damage.




im playing twitch since i were lvl 10 in league of legends cause that week was free to play and soon i had donated in order to buy him with RP cause i didnt have enought IP xD


before season one starts my stats with twitch was


-1 penta kill

-2 quadra kills

~70triple kills

many turrets detroyed


after season one start i made 3 more quadra kills

and 1 more penta kill.


Who is Twitch


Twitch a very very good champion, but also i can be an awfull one and this will lead in feeding enemys team heros.

That means a good twitch alone can win the whole enemy team and a bad twitch can feed enemy team making his allys to lose.


What should twitch do?


Twitch is made for killing people, you are not shen and that means you are not responisble for saving other people of your team.

Twitch should only kill and not feeding



Twitch is an easy to play hero but hard to master him.

With low level enemies you can just pop out of stealth and kill everyone.

But good players will know how confront you.



What is this guide about?


This guide is made in order to teach you how to use twitch and his abilities.

Twitch die in 3 seconds. These 3 seconds should be usefull seconds and not useless.

In these 3 seconds you have to deal as many damage as you can and get as many kills as you can.

Twitch also can easily get triple kills with his ulti. I will discuss about his skills later.




AoE damage with his Ulti

AoE damage with expunge

AoE slow.




First target in team fights

Die within 1-4seconds





29-5.gif Twitch's attacks infect the target with Deadly Venom, which deals damage each second, stacks up to 6 times, and lasts up to 8 seconds.

Deadly Venom: Deadly Venom deals damage over time, but this is not as Teemo's poison you cannot kill with it. Also deadly venom make the stucks you need in order to trigger your other 2 abilities you have. Expounge and Delibitating Poison




Twitch hides in the shadows, waiting for a nearby enemy. If he attacks, he will gain bonus attack speed.

After 1.25 seconds, Twitch becomes stealthed for 20/30/40/50/60 seconds. If Twitch attacks a unit while Stealthed, he gains 30/45/60/80/100% attack speed for up to 10 seconds, depending on how long he was stealthed before attacking.



   60/60/60/60/60 Mana


ambush is why im playing twitch, you become stealthed and also when u pop out of destealth u gain 1 atk speed buff

*Warning* in order to get the atk speed buff should hit somethink before stealth ends. if your stealth ends "psysical" you dont get you attack speed buff.

Also you have to check when you can your enemies to see whether they got oracle or not. 24v3348.gif(oracle: click to consume. gives to your champion stealth detection until you die)

Somethink which you cannot check is Vision Ward (Vision Ward: Click to consume. Place an invisible ward with 1000range magical sight (see invisble units) for 3.5 mins)

I use a tritck in order to see if my enemys got vision ward or not.

i go near enemies team crips and i see if the are hitting me while im stealth if yes they got vision ward, if no they dont got anythink.



29-2.gifDebilitating Poison


Debilitating Poison - Infects all nearby champions with Debilitating Poison, slowing their movement speed.

Slows nearby enemy champions' move speed by 30%, plus 6% per Deadly Venom they have.

2.5/3.25/4/4.75/5.25 second duration.



   80/80/80/80/80 Mana


Useful slow ability. Remember that it will slow ALL the champions in the area, not only the ones affected by Deadly Venom.


You can use it before makinng you ulti to make sure that none wiull escape alive =P

or during ur ulti in order to make some stucks and make the slow "bigger"





Expunge - All nearby enemies secrete Twitch's toxic venoms from their bodies, dealing damage for each stack.

Deals 30/60/90/120/150 (+1) magic damage to each nearby poisoned enemy, plus 20/30/40/50/60 additional damage per stack of Deadly Venom applied to them.



   90/90/90/90/90 Mana


You can easily steal kills from your teammates, and you have to do it cause a feeded twitch is the best champion to be feeded and your team should accept it.


Your killing button.make sure that ur enemies got 6 stucks and then explode them and kill em.

Ex is very costly in mana so use it wiselly. in high level ur enemies will be aware of ur expunge and it will be rly hard to make 3-4 stucks on em. You it when the real battle comes.


Expunge burns all your stucks you have on your enemies. Use first you delibating posion and after that your expunge in order to make the slow bigger.


With ur ulti and expounge you will have to make AT LEAST 1-2 kills in team fights.



29-4.gifSpray and Pray


Spray and Pray - Twitch closes his eyes and fires his crossbow as fast as he can, spraying piercing arrows ahead of him.

Twitch gains 40/60/80% attack speed and his attacks become long range line missiles for 7 seconds, dealing 100% damage and poisoning all enemies hit.



   150/150/150 Mana




Kill very very easy enemie champions.

Destroying enemy team turrets

Defending Turrets

Very effective in team fights.



Psycological Advandages.


Image that 1 enemy tryndamere and 1 enemy annie is on your lane. You are invisible and you ally in this lane is xin zhao. Enemies are playing offensive cause you are invisble and they dont image that you can be there. Xin zhao uses audacius charge, both enemies hit xin zhao who needs 6-7 secs to die and you pop out of stealth at that time. you take the first blood and a double kill. After this and for the whole game enemies will play defensive cause they will afraid to gang xing cause they afraid whether or not you are there invis w8ting for em to kill em again. Enemy team got now 1 tryndamere and 1 annie no feeded with less exp than other cause they play near tower

you will win the game 75%.



Skill built:

Level1 --> Ambush

Level2 --> Expounge

Level3 --> Debilitating Poison

Level4 --> Expounge

Level5 --> Expounge

Level6 --> Spray and Pray

Level7 --> Expounge

Level8 --> Ambush

Level9 --> Expounge

Level10 --> Ambush

Level11 --> Spray and Pray

Level12 --> Ambush

Level13 --> Ambush

Level14 --> Debilitating Poison

Level15 --> Debilitating Poison

Level16 --> Spray and Pray

Level17 --> Debilitating Poison

Level18 --> Debilitating Poison





From runes you can choose from: Critical Chance, Armor Penetration or Attack Speed.

I play with Greater Mark of Malice (Crit Chance)

and Seal and Glyph of Alacrity (atk speed)


Summoners Skills.

I was playing with Cleanse but now cleanse after an update is only for stuns only.. you cannot cleanse anymore ignite and exhaust.


Reccomended Skills.

Flash (in order to get stealth u need 1.25 seec with flash you can have enought time to get stealthed)






You are rat you got small feet but u r assasin and you need to run. i always buy Boots of mobility (enhanced movement 5)


If you play vs a tank team you should buy after boots a Madred's Bloodrazor and Last Whisper

If you play vs mage team you should buy a Wits End

My 80% build is 1) boots of mobility 2)Infinity Edge 3)Bloodthirster

But you should choose your build depended on your enemies.


Also vs dodge team you should buy Sword Of Divine, if you have gold for more items you can buy then second bloodthirster (big atk and lifesteal)




*The End*




It is yours right?

Your job is very good  =) and Twitch a very good champ :)

i am sure this taken you time.




It is yours right?

Your job is very good  =) and Twitch a very good champ :)

i am sure this taken you time.



thanks m8 =)

yes its mine ^^

i was on holidays now im back and i saw u gave me karma + :D


Just dont be like all the nubs that buy malady for twitch and u will be ok :P



never bought it with twitch

  • 1 month later...

btw your sign doesnt proves something. Twitch is borned to get kills and a friend of mine has made a score 43/2/22


Such scores are achieved against fail teams only...

  • 4 weeks later...

@rozdex anima

I didn't post sign to show my 40kills

Which is very hard on a ranked game

BUT becuz I lost even if I had40kills xD


Check my recent matches. 90/2 on Ashe and lost !

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