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interlude ==L2 Extreme Is Back!==[Preview]


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I'm not in the staff of L2X, just advertising.


L2X Feautres:

This server is running on a L2OFF platform!



- Interlude



- EXP [35x]

- SP [35x]

- ADENA [70x]

- DROP [5x]

- SPOIL [5x]

Enchant Rates

- Weapon Fighter [66%]

- Weapon Mage [50%]

- Armor [66%]

- Jewel [66%]



- Subclass Quest [Retail]

- Noblesse Quest [Retail]


Custom Features


- Offline Shop

- Currency [Adena / AA / Runes]



- Armors [Titanium]

- Weapons [Dusk Staff / Sword / Dual Gods Blade]

- Shields [Dusk Shield]


- Mithril Area [starting Zone]

- Giran Area [shopping Zone]

- Elven Ruins [Hard Zone]

- Giants Cave [Medium Zone]

- Elven Fortress [solo Zone]

- DVC [Exp Zone]

- Hunters Village [PVP Zone]



- Custom Raids [Anakim, Lilith, Shax]

- Misc Shop [Alexis]

- Weapon Shop [Woodrow]

  (D-S Grade without SA)

- Armor Shop [Woodley]

  (D-B Grade, A-S sealed)

- Special Shop [Merchant of Mammon]

  (Unsealer, SA Adder)



- Farmable Hero System [L2X]

- Hero Skills [L2X]

- Hero Pet [L2X]

- S Grade Expertise [67]

- 7s [Disabled]

- Olympiad [Disabled]

- NPC Deleveler



- 2nd Buffs [20 min]

- 3rd Buffs [5 min]

- Pet Buffs [2 min]


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