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How to add Anti-Heavy?



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Do anyone of u guys know, how to add Anti-Heavy ?

I mean not by configuring java, by creating a skill, that archers and dagger would have.

explain better nothing understand...

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I'm guessing he means a skill that gives you improved damage against heavy armored chars/mobs?


I think a skill that decreases Pdef of all chars wearing heavy while not having this mastery



Just put a HEAVY ARMOR MASTERY in dagger-archers too,which decreases pdef

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you can create a skill that decrease status by wearing heavy armors and add it to Archers..

Take bow mastery and add: pDef 0.1 mul val

and Using Kind=Heavy


can u please write the whole skill?

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<skill id="8048" levels="1" name="Anti-Heavy">
  <!-- Done by Spidey* -->
  <set name="power" val="0.0"/>
  <set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF"/>
  <set name="skillType" val="BUFF"/>
  <set name="operateType" val="OP_PASSIVE"/>
  <set name="castRange" val="-1"/>
  <set name="effectRange" val="-1"/>
      <mul order="0x30" stat="pDef" val="0.10">
          <using kind="Heavy,Magic"/>

Here it is

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