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[L2J]L2 Reality


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L2Reality information

Rates: xp1000x / sp1000x / drop1x /adena1000x (all adena is divided by 100/all shops prices too).

Server: Full Official C6 server (retail server) with custom modifications.

Gameplay: No weight limit, Buffs 2 hour, Subclass, No class change quests, increased movement speed on all classes.


Scroll Rates

Safe : 6

Max : 30

Normal Scroll Rate : 70%[For Weapon,armor,jewels

Blessed Scroll Rate : 80%[For Weapon,armor,jewels

Crystal Scroll Rate : 80%[For Weapon,armor,jewels

Crystal Scrolls Only From [Event]

Game Info

Exp Zone : Cemetery

Farm Zone : Elven ruins,Garden of Eva,Elven Fortess

Farm Items: Adenas,Book Of Giant, Blessed Enchant Weapons,Armors S,A,Top Grade Life Stone


NPC Info

Custom Teleporter(With All The Towns/Zones/Rb's)

Custom Buffer(2h Buffs With Full Buffs/Dance/Songs/Extra)

Custom Gm Shop(With EveryThing You Want)


Event info

Gm Events

Auto TvT Event Every 2 Hours

CTF Evet With Votes


Custom Weapons,Armor,Sheilds Info

All Custom Weapons,Armor,Sheilds > Like L2 Gold!


Dedicated Server

Intel® Core™ i7-975 Quad-Core inkl. Hyper-Threading-TechnologieArbeitsspeicher 12 GB DDR3 RAMFestplatten 3 x 1500 GB SATA-II HDD Linux: Software-RAID 5 Windows: Software-RAID 1Netzwerkkarte 1 GBit OnBoard mit 100 MBit-AnbindungBackup Space 100 GBTraffic Unlimited*

Im Not Server's Owner 1 Guy Ask Me To Post It (Not The Admin A Player) So Dont Dare To Insult Me :X ty


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server seems good, but which files you used?

off or java? :-X

btw add your website too.

i think here is the website : http://l2reality.com/index.htm

I Dont Know I Saw That There Was Written In Features That Its Full official So I Let It OFf In Tittle
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One more server opened ... anyway good luck man.




for SuFFLeR i just say 1 more server opened where is the prob i didn't say anything bad.

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