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[EN] Dreams.


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i'm not joking. It's true. :)


* If you see that in your house comes in and out lot of dogs means: someone close to you is going to die (happend to me and i can confirm)


* If you see that in your house comes in and out lot of soft animals like: chickens, ducks, birds means someone close to gonna get married.


* the snake means money


* seeing/partecipating in a war means you gona take many presents


* seeing yourself like falling from sky - means you gonna travel



that's all i remember for now.


Sorry for the word but "bullshit".

You CANNOT judge what will happen in the future, simply by "analysing" a dream. (actually you can't analyse dreams).

So all this stuff about books explaining what everything in a dream means (shit = money, etc.) are FAKE.

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i'm not joking. It's true. :)


* If you see that in your house comes in and out lot of dogs means: someone close to you is going to die (happend to me and i can confirm)


* If you see that in your house comes in and out lot of soft animals like: chickens, ducks, birds means someone close to gonna get married.


* the snake means money


* seeing/partecipating in a war means you gona take many presents


* seeing yourself like falling from sky - means you gonna travel



that's all i remember for now.

Do you really believe in these craps?

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i don't believe those books bullshits too Coyote but lot of my dreams come true in real.

I'm confused about these things.

dunno what to say.

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My most crazy dream is that i feel falling into a pitch black pit.But the craziest part is that every time i dream about this every time it has a lil process.

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i don't believe those books bullshits too Coyote but lot of my dreams come true in real.

I'm confused about these things.

dunno what to say.


If you see that you go to the shop, then you WILL go to the shop, on purpose.

Because of your beliefs you will try to make your dream come true, either to prove a stupid theory, or to show that "woah it happened".

I've seen many kinds of dreams, although these dreams were NEVER able to be explained by such books or stupid theories.

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i'm not joking. It's true. :)


* If you see that in your house comes in and out lot of dogs means: someone close to you is going to die (happend to me and i can confirm)


* If you see that in your house comes in and out lot of soft animals like: chickens, ducks, birds means someone close to gonna get married.


* the snake means money


* seeing/partecipating in a war means you gona take many presents


* seeing yourself like falling from sky - means you gonna travel



that's all i remember for now.

i dont believe that and never any dream become true..

btw if all people who saw snake in their dream now all be rich..

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i dont believe that and never any dream become true..

btw if all people who saw snake in their dream now all be rich..

who was talking about richness lol.

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[GR] Sini8ws blepoume onira otan kati mas apasxolei.....

Ta onira dixnoun tis anisixies mas....


Mporoume na doume ena "trelo" oniro otan exoume megalo anxos h eimaste stenaxorimenoi....


To periexomeno tous den simenei tpt... aplos dixnoun tis anisixies mas... h akoma an akousame mia le3i h opia den mas ekane entiposi  alla stin ousia  perase iposinidita mesa mas.... kai mas prokalese ena oniro.


Auto pistebw einai ta onira  :P [/GR]

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Dreams are the result of our brain's information processing.  

That means that every person's dreams mean something else and the only  

person who can explain someone's dream is the one who saw it.  

Snakes,dogs,hot dogs,grills and anything else does not have a standard meaning  

because they either are random pictures,scenes OR are the result of some hormones  

produced by the brain in order to relax the person.  

If you saw something in your dream and then what you have seen happened is not  

a result of fate's involving but the result of the affection your dream caused to your  


Also we can cause our dreams if we are in a specific psychological situation.As an example  

if we are quite stressed it is rather possible to see that we are falling into a huge black gap.  

If we want sex, then it is possible to see that we are having sex.  

In addition the fact that you do not remember your dreams doesn't mean that you do not

see dreams.Everybody sees dreams,it is something 100% natural.If you did not see dreams

then you would have died from neural crisis.

But keep in your mind that in ANY situation the dreams do not control us.

Either we or nobody controls them.


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Afaik,the only one who can translate a dream in the best way is the one who saw that but if being well-helped by someone who knows a bit of that.

To be honest I've never seen any weird dream related to religion but I've seen tons of dreams that were funny but frightening as well!

To make it even more clear,consider a dream I saw as an example.

I was @ my grandma's bakery and somebody got in and killed her.I was there too.The funny part?He did it with a water gun(?)!

Lately,I remember myself seeing dreams related to daily routine and social actions of mine!

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