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[Request] antibuff shield



hello i have install the java mod with name Anti_Buff_Shield and work i can add the skill but i can't see these.


So waht i must do? i think i must add the skill somewhere in the patch please help me



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i have add all class in navicat and work but i am stell dosen't see the antibuff shield



<skill id="9007" levels="1" name="AntiBuff Shield">
    <set name="mpConsume" val="0"/>
    <set name="target" val="TARGET_SELF"/>
    <set name="reuseDelay" val="0"/>
    <set name="hitTime" val="-1"/>
    <set name="skillType" val="CONT"/>
    <set name="operateType" val="OP_TOGGLE"/>
    <set name="castRange" val="-1"/>
    <set name="effectRange" val="-1"/>
      <effect count="1" name="AntiBuffShield" time="600000" val="0"/>



9007	1	0	0	-1	1	120.000000	1	i		icon.skill1050	0	0	0	0	8	10



9007	1	AntiBuff Shield	Prevents from being grief buffed.	none	none




9007	1	SkillSound5.balance_life_cast	SkillSound5.balance_life_shot		250.000000	40.000000	250.000000	40.000000	0.000000	0.000000				0.000000	0.000000	0.000000	0.000000	0.000000	0.000000				0.000000	0.000000	0.000000	0.000000	0.000000	0.000000	chrsound.m_hfighter_element	chrsound.f_hfighter_element	chrsound.m_darkelf_element	chrsound.f_darkelf_element	chrsound.m_dwarf_type_b	chrsound.f_dwarf_type_b	chrsound.m_elf_element	chrsound.f_elf_element	chrsound.m_hmagician_element	chrsound.f_hmagician_element	chrsound.m_orc_fighter_type_b	chrsound.f_orc_fighter_type_b	chrsound.m_orc_magician_type_b	chrsound.f_orc_magician_type_b		chrsound.m_hfighter_notarget	chrsound.f_hfighter_notarget	chrsound.m_darkelf_notarget	chrsound.f_darkelf_notarget	chrsound.m_dwarf_notarget	chrsound.f_dwarf_notarget	chrsound.m_elf_notarget	chrsound.f_elf_notarget	chrsound.m_hmagician_notarget	chrsound.f_hmagician_notarget	chrsound.m_orc_fighter_notarget	chrsound.f_orc_fighter_notarget	chrsound.m_orc_magician_notarget	chrsound.f_orc_magician_notarget		250.000000	50.000000


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