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Well PK killers wouldn't work since that way people would all just make archer and mages... CorLeoNe, EVERY DAY I have to put up with Mass PK, at every farm zone for at least 2 hours until I can farm again.


The drop rate after 100 pk's is 50%, so many will leave the server after they will become "starters". I dont know why this is a problem for your Munchkin because you can farm in Safe Zones in quiet, or you can go in MIX ones.


if you get your medium gear the farm is easy, donations are available, but we dont have custom things or extra enchants for donations. the only difference is the farm time. thats all


Lol,Corleone why don't introduce PK killer in farm zone,why we should farm in safe zone....in safe zone we can't make the Dynasty armour /never/....i think.


PK killers are necessary..but in this server..will make 40-50% of ppl leave server bcus have more than 100 pk's =))

yeah people are so dumb , they will leave the server cause they have 100+ pks instead of doing a quest or making a new character(instant 80) but w/e


Yes,ceuase newbie people can farm for    items .Why?Because server had  noob people ho give you pk everytime,and i see only archers and mages....


Look at it this way, the big clans hate me and yet I still farmed a tattoo +25, and a Dyanasty set in like 3 days total. If I can do it, you can too :o

y but u play 24/24...not every1 does that since ppl have a life...

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