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[New Clan] VAM , www.vam-clan.tk .

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Hello everyone ,

I am happy to announce that the clan story begins from today.

VAM is a new clan that will pick up good/friendly players from lineage 2 world.

We will be only looking for players with good knowledge about lineage 2 game.

VAM clan is not going to accept every member that makes application for clan ,

the recruitment will goes slowly and also every player that wan'ts to join our clan

will be tested ingame after he made hes application.



VAM clan will offer you forexample : FUN , mass pvp , raids , own private server , decent clan ,

good times and bad times.


We're not going to be a zerg clan , I don't like to lead a zerg clan , we will be max 3 parties.

We will use ventrilo so we can organize us faster and also the game is more fun with ventrilo .

VAM is international clan but we will speak only english in ventrilo,clan chat and ally chat.


Our goal is to become a friendly and strong clan that will never give up. The clan will be pretty organized

We're going to pvp with archers as dmg dealers  becouse we are going to have a main assister in each party

and its easy to assist with archers and also archer is a best class for mass pvp .


We don't know yet wich server we're going to play , currently we're playing on lineage 2 forever but the pupulation is low .

There is few new l2off server that will goes live soon but I don't know wich one we should join we will discuss about it later.


















Clan Rules:


* Be able to be online everday , atleast 3 hours per day

* If you have a problem or you can't play for a period of time then inform us at forum or ingame.

* Be able to download and use ventrilo.

* Follow orders.

* Respect clan members , if you dare to kill members then do it but remember if you killed any member with out reason or it was a stupid reason then you are getting automaticlly kick from clan.

* Subleaders have same acces as the leader so respect them as you respect the leader.

* Do not flame other's parents.

* When I call you for action then you'll have to leave what you're doing and get ready to get invited.

* Be online at everysiege and Epic Raidboss , if you can't be online at the time when we have siege or any Epic Raidboss then inform us.

* Be able to cheek our Forum/Website everyday.

* You need to play lineage 2 atleast 3 years in order to join us.

* You need to speak english enough good so we can understand you.

* If you break any of those rules you're getting kick from clan with out warn!




Forum Rules:


* Do not spam.

* Do not flame clan members.

* Don't create useless topics.

* Don't make double accounts.



Ventrilo Rules:


* Don't shout.

* Use ventrilo everytime when you're ingame.






Recruitment is: Open 2010.06.24



Classes that we're recruting: ( You can play as main whatever you like but you'll have to play one class that clan needs for pvp)


- Warlock's.

- Tanks.

- Healers.

- Archers. (Archers will be our dmg dealers in our pvp groups becouse its easy to assist and they are best for mass pvp)

- Nukers. (we will use nukers just for farm/exp and maybe sometimes for pvp)

- Warlords.




First Part:


Read our rules carefuly and make sure you will follow them.





Second Part:

First of all you'll have to make a new account with ur name ingame and then create new thread with your ingame name as title. Copy/Paste entire application form and fill your answers under the questions. Preview your post before sending it, make sure everything is correct.




* Char Name:



* Class/Level (sub/nobl):



* Alternative characters:



* Previous Clans, Servers:



* Time zone - country:



* Are you able to use ventrilo and if you got working microphone?



* Age:



* For how long have you been playing Lineage 2 ?:



* How many hours can you play per day ? (you need to play atleast 3h):



* Why do you want to join us?:



* Extra information, that might be usefull:



Last Part:


I will test you ingame if you're good enough to join us.

What I mean with test? I will test if you know how to assist and I will ask you somethings about l2 and stuff.


The apply should be up for enough time to members vote following this:


+1 - Accepted.

-1 - Not Accepted.






VMA Clan got own private server , I was about to open this project but I didn't becouse I don't have enough money to pay the bills for hoster .

Its a l2j server based on easy farming and pretty balanced classes ,  We will use the server to test things together,have fun and so on .

I am able to handle 100/200 players with my machine so we can even bring our enemis and fight against eachother in our server haha.

The server will be online everytime when I am going to cheek something or when any clan member wan'ts to login.


I will level up every member and give him full gear . (But forget about playing it all the time , I will just open it when its needed)

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Our forum is currently down , the company that are hosting our forum got some problems .

I will announce again as soon the forum is up again .




I need help from someone , I am not that good with making crests so if someone can make a ally+clan crest for our clan then here is a link for more informaion http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=156864.0  , thanks in advance .


Your Tigey.

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I will level up every member and give him full gear . (But forget about playing it all the time , I will just open it when its needed)



Why Should You Join?



    * 24/7 Up time!


..... hahahahah

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