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[WTS] Hellbound L2off Pack (Shakal Project)

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Hello. I want to sell my own files + updates.

I spend a lot of time on this project with some dev friend's we fix a lot of bug's.

So now pack is ready. Ready to open server.

Pack is w/o bug's.

When we will find some we will fix it very fast.



- Working Kamael

- Working Kamael Zones

- Working Fortress Sieges

- Good Monster Spawns

- Transformations Working

- New Great Wolf Mount (Evolution of Wolf at level 55)

- Working Cursed Weapons (Zariche and Akamanah)

- Geodata

- Seven Signs

- Castle Sieges

- Lottery

- Auctions

- Skill's 95%

- Clan Halls

- Clan skills

- Clan Academy

- And more ...


We are still working on this project. Pack now is very stable and playable.



Price for pack: 135 euro

Price for pack + source: 200 euro


Soon i'll run test server.

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elements working?


its for dvampire or nextdev?


what u mean with "sources"?

Its my project. I work on it with some dev friends.

Source is source code o.O http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Source_code

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Taking Open PP, maybe making MINISCULE CHANGES.

And selling it is bullshit.

Most likely he did SMALL script changes to the BoN revs.


waldemar, don't be a naughty boy ;)

Post some proof, kid boy.



Unless he's trying to pass of l2j as l2off - not unheard of.


For the rest go download the open project for free instead of a kid who has no knowledge ripping you off.




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Taking Open PP, maybe making MINISCULE CHANGES.

And selling it is bullshit.

Most likely he did SMALL script changes to the BoN revs.


waldemar, don't be a naughty boy ;)

Post some proof, kid boy.



Unless he's trying to pass of l2j as l2off - not unheard of.


For the rest go download the open project for free instead of a kid who has no knowledge ripping you off.





ohh maybe ?? Maybe im a god ?

lol bullshit. -1 for liar !!

Dont post bullshit post if you shit know...

What proof you want ?

You dont even seen this pack.

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ohh maybe ?? Maybe im a god ?

lol bullshit. -1 for liar !!

Dont post bullshit post if you shit know...

What proof you want ?

You dont even seen this pack.


We dont smite for such things.

Dont smite him only cuz he told you his opinion.

I dont see any flame or other shittys in his post.

Becarful the next time you will be smited.

Karma fixed.

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"Pack is w/o bug's"


Not even the big l2off teams have 100% working Hellbound without bugs or lack of features. You should post if have fully working hellbound island levels, fully working elemental system, fully working instances (dark cloud mansion, crystal caverns), fully working baylor, fully working beleth, fully working kamael skills...

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We dont smite for such things.

Dont smite him only cuz he told you his opinion.

I dont see any flame or other shittys in his post.

Becarful the next time you will be smited.

Karma fixed.


Sorry i was have bad day...


"Pack is w/o bug's"


Not even the big l2off teams have 100% working Hellbound without bugs or lack of features. You should post if have fully working hellbound island levels, fully working elemental system, fully working instances (dark cloud mansion, crystal caverns), fully working baylor, fully working beleth, fully working kamael skills...


Its not 100% we're still working on pack.

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