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ένα είναι αυτό

•AMD64 X2 7750+ 2.7Ghz

•8196 MB DDR2 RAM

•500 GB 7.200 RPM

•2000 GB Traffic p/m


Με 70 το μήνα

65 άμα πληρώνεις κάθε 3 μήνες

61 άμα πληρώνεις κά8ε 6 μήνες


και ένα αλλο που βρήκα είναι αυτό

•AMD64 X2 4850E 2.5Ghz

•2048 MB DDR2 RAM

•250 GB 7.200 RPM

•2000 GB Traffic p/m


άμα πληρώνεις  Κάθε  μήνα 53 ευρό

άμα πληρώνεις κά8ε 3 μήνες 49 ευρό

άμα πληρώνεις  κάθε 6 μήνες 45 ευρό


και τα δύο απο την  http://www.worldstream.nl/  είναι...νομίζω ότι το πρώτο χωράει  από 180 έως 250 ...(χωρις να βάζω το χέρι μου στην φωτιά)

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Ksexase na s pei oti tn prwto mhna plhrwneis ena Poso gia to Setup (Egkatastash) guro sta 150 euro.

όχι ρε feriko αυτό γίνετε μόνο sthn htzner και σε κάτι άλλες στιν wolrdstream είναι free to setup...

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Cpu                                       Intel C2D E8400 3.00Ghz

Ram                                       8 GB

Disk Space                              500GB ATA (7,200rpm)

Bandwidth (Traffic)                   2 TB

Speed                                    100 Mbit Unshared

Add-on Domains                       UNLIMITED

Sub-Domains                           UNLIMITED

IP Adresses                             4


mono 110 euro


min me peis oti einai akribi gia auta pou sou dinei

alla ean deis exei kai me 115euro poio polla pragmata


to mono pou exeis na kanei einai na


Klick Edw


psakstw ligo exei polla pragmata


gia dedicated server

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Cpu                                      Intel C2D E8400 3.00Ghz

Ram                                      8 GB

Disk Space                              500GB ATA (7,200rpm)

Bandwidth (Traffic)                  2 TB

Speed                                    100 Mbit Unshared

Add-on Domains                      UNLIMITED

Sub-Domains                          UNLIMITED

IP Adresses                            4


mono 110 euro


min me peis oti einai akribi gia auta pou sou dinei

alla ean deis exei kai me 115euro poio polla pragmata


to mono pou exeis na kanei einai na


Klick Edw


psakstw ligo exei polla pragmata


gia dedicated server

Δεν είναι και άσχημο αλλά σου είπε μέχρι 100 ευρό..οπότε... πάντως pantso δες και αυτό που σου είπε ο dragongr ...!

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Με 70 το μήνα

65 άμα πληρώνεις κάθε 3 μήνες

61 άμα πληρώνεις κά8ε 6 μήνες


άμα πληρώνεις  Κάθε  μήνα 53 ευρό

άμα πληρώνεις κά8ε 3 μήνες 49 ευρό

άμα πληρώνεις  κάθε 6 μήνες 45 ευρό

Αυτά δεν είναι 10 ευρό..και όντως για εμένα δεν με πειράζει αλλά όταν σου λέει απο 80-100 σημαίνει ότι δεν θα μπορεί να δώσει περισότερα..και εδς που τα λέμε σε τέτοια εποχή που ζουμε δεν είναι και εύκολο να βρήσκεις 100 ευρό το μήνα ...τι 100 λέω ουτε καν 60-70!

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Με 70 το μήνα

65 άμα πληρώνεις κάθε 3 μήνες

61 άμα πληρώνεις κά8ε 6 μήνες


ναι...δηλαδή άμα πληρώνεις κάθε μήνα  θα είναι 70 ευρό

άμα κάθε 3 μήνες 65 ευρό το μήνα δηλαδή 65x3 = 255 το τρήμινο

και άμα πληρώνεις κάθε 6 μήνες 61x3 = 183 το εξάμηνο

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    • thats 26_21... i have it and 26_19... only 26_20 missing is the town arcan part
    • his link still working here , or are they different ?
    • Hello everyone,   We're shifting our focus away from implementing as much as possible from the Essence gameplay. Instead, the server will now be Interlude, but using the Essence client.   This should be good news for everyone.   The Beta phase will most likely take place in November, with the grand opening to follow shortly after.   Cheers!
    • We remind you that the opening will take place today, on September 28 at: 19:00 (UTC+3) - server time Check current server time(UTC +3) On 17:00 (UTC +3) We allow you login to create character! Dear friends, this topic important! So please take time to read it. First we want to thank all players who took part in the Open Beta testing, was good activity and nice Olympiad Event yesterday, we all get a lot of fun  Thanks to all who conducted tests with us and prepared this game world! You are amazing!  On 17:00 (UTC +3) We allow you to login for create character! To restrict your name and transfer ToDs/Season Pack to your character. Make it before start! On start, we can have problems with WEB! Everything you need to start on the server: It is IMPORTANT to prepare everything for starting the game RIGHT NOW, do not postpone for later, during the opening there may be problems with the web part of the project, and you simply can not register. - Registration and files Download archive unzip it, run launcher, choose SEASON x25 server and press FULL CHECK What you need to know at the start: Registration for 7 seals from Monday, September 30, full cycle 1 week. First Mammons on Friday October 4 All Epic Raid Bosses dead on start. First epic QA will appear on Monday, next day Core + Zaken + QA and so on by schedule All other RBs alive on server start (including Sub and Nobl RB) - Full RoadMap   About possible attacks on server start. We have prepared as good as we can. We will control the start of the server together with you. Want to ask you, in the case of a problem, don't panic, panic is the worst possible thing that could be, even worse than any attack. We have enough specialists to solve any problems, all that will need from you is patience and trust. Wish you all a smooth start and months of enjoyable play in new Season Interlude x25! Have a fun!
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