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For those claiming that PC owns:


You're way too far from the reality guys.I was sure that you'll say "why to pay for such specs".It's not your fault that you don't know.No-one ever said to you, go check macs.I'm not here to convince you.You can keep your opinion and stay with Window$ (s)Vista or Window$ 7 Pro Ultimate Professional Version .23092-with-major-updates-and-new-viruses.I just got to tell you that specifications for mac may be lower, but they're optimized for the OS, something that makes them unique and powerful.Either believe it, or continue buy Bill Gates stuff.


@Sofaki: With windows? naaah...

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Its the biggest company because of iPhone + iPods >.<


Right, what a clever boy!



























baaah... -.-'

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I will be Waiting mate! :)



Waste of money.....

With 4.000$ You can Buy a Much better pc than the one you posted.

[GR]O Pirgos M Mono 5k Kani oti exei autos sto pc tou emena exei x2 misou pw x3 tespa [\GR]
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