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The way to the top!


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he was not going to be l2j dev, his name was osiris or smt like that.


Now i recall another one that made me lol, this plat donor shared a trojan and i banned him so he added me on msn and begged, so i gave him a 2nd chance and the same day he shared the same shit with other name in a greek board (he thought i was not going to see it) so i banned him again and all his alt accounts, after that he tried to pay me for unban, lololol


Old good memories huh? :P

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he was not going to be l2j dev, his name was osiris or smt like that.


Now i recall another one that made me lol, this plat donor shared a trojan and i banned him so he added me on msn and begged, so i gave him a 2nd chance and the same day he shared the same shit with other name in a greek board (he thought i was not going to see it) so i banned him again and all his alt accounts, after that he tried to pay me for unban, lololol


Never heard about him.

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who are you? ???

Don't you know him??BLASPHEMY!:P


What's wrong with you guys?

Javier,you know y-day I had a conv with coyote,he was noting down some suggestions from all over the forum and when I asked him to write down something he told me to tell you.

I said you will /care and he said "NO WAY"!You just proved him wrong :D!

Whatever,back to the point.All I see is some guys bleeding to get promotions and when they finally get them they show their real faces.

Do you think that we are asking all those for us or will we be the only ones to benefit by that?

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What can i say, these subjects were discussed many times, just wait for Maxtor, when he will want to improve his form will ask for advices. Till then we can disscus till infinite with no results.

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What can i say, these subjects were discussed many times, just wait for Maxtor, when he will want to improve his form will ask for advices. Till then we can disscus till infinite with no results.

The thing is,he is inactive enough in order not to know what the forums needs at the current moment.We,the active forum users know and hope that responsible and serious decisions will be taken,got out of our suggestions.
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What can i say, these subjects were discussed many times, just wait for Maxtor, when he will want to improve his form will ask for advices. Till then we can disscus till infinite with no results.


So, you think that we should let the forum slowly die until maxtor is finally eager to change something? Why don't we reverse this constantly going down situation now? We'll prevent many losses.

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And what you do without him? we can do nothing without him.


Let's open a topic every day and discuss about how to improve the forum, like you will solve something.


Guess why Grisom refused to talk about..

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And what you do without him? we can do nothing without him.


Let's open a topic every day and discuss about how to improve the forum, like you will solve something.


Guess why Grisom refused to talk about..

All of us have guessed,long time ago!

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