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+STR or -STR on dagger?

+STR or -STR ?  

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  1. 1. +STR or -STR ?

    • +STR
    • -STR

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lol - str


you will only use blows

that has nothing to do with pattack


Of course -STR, since they don't need P.attack, but attack speed.

in Gracia++ it issn't about attackspeed anymore :)



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ok so ppl do undertsand it:


In gracia final or above the STR determines your skill crit rate

Thats why you might see s80 daggers in ruoff movies running around in plated leather(still retarded if you ask me)

But personally i still would go -str +con after 78 :)

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i hate daggers and very rare try to play one BUT my best friend knows them and this is how it is done.



-4 str +4 con

-4 str +4 dex

for 3d one u have multiple choices that is:

nither make another -4 str +4 dex or con OR

if u are dark elf or elf dagger (Ghost hunter,Plains Walker) then u can use +int -wit for ur skills to be more successful ...BUT ONLY on highrate server's where u have acumen and dance of concentration so ur casting speed is ok.



In gracia p.atk GIVES more skill dmg...proof of that is that u get dmg from attribute stones...as u know attribute stones give attribute P.ATK....not crit dmg.


Here dyes are more tricky since u need it all...but what makes sense to me is(my friend doesn't like gracia and never played dagger there)


+4 str -4 dex(or +4 str -con but i don't rly suggest it) since u will lose about 70 atk speed and that does not increase cd of skills so much but gives some dmg.(if u have PW do not add this since u count ur chances of winning pvp on lethals...so u need as many skills as possible per pvp)

+4 int -4 wit for the reasons said before...


NOTE:Interlude dyes are correct 100% but gracia are just what i think that makes sense...i never tested so i dunno.


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I have another opinion , when u are with wr u dont need more dex for skills u just need con and nothing else , when u are with th u need just dex for a bit more speed . U can t just have too much dex or con or str it just needs to be balanced

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I have another opinion , when u are with wr u dont need more dex for skills u just need con and nothing else , when u are with th u need just dex for a bit more speed . U can t just have too much dex or con or str it just needs to be balanced

I used to believe the same in the past but it's not so good, trust me..

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