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[Interlude] Project Interlude L2jRox

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Good design takes this as the basis of the old files that had L2Jenova your project stopped and migrated to Gracia Final, so as always liked the project decided to try to continue it, I hope you enjoy



Bom este Projeto leva como base os antigos arquivos do L2Jenova que teve seu projeto parado e migrado para Gracia Final, entao como sempre gostei do projeto resolvi tentar continuidade a ele, Espero que gostem



Base Files: L2Jenova

Developers: Inspector / VicFelipe / Trinix / Guma


Timeline: http://trac6.assembla.com/L2jRox/timeline

SVN: http://svn6.assembla.com/svn/L2jRox



Pack L2jRox6.0(clean) + Backup 4Shared


PASSWORD>>>  l2jrox6.0



As the timeline was disorganized and reup decided to delete the files, so this changeset in a low, for better organization going forward



Como o timeline estava desorganizado resolvi deletar e reupar os arquivos, por isso esta em um changeset baixo, para melhor organização daqui para frente




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and what your post has to do with the project? and not criticize or suggestion that is only flooder / pif

unfortunately friend not only a renowned developer but I'm trying to contribute something if you do not have pleased unfortunately I'm sorry you will not be the first nor the last

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Why Guma Is Everywhere...Why He Dont Work On One Project..?

I Think This Project Also Will Fail...


P.S. Now L2j Projects Are Like L2j Servers.. Even Some Not Experienced Ppl Start One..Pff...

First Warning! Dont Spam!

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L2jRox hmmm,i am new in developing and i didn't heard before.

Well i hope you the best,as you are working to the best chronicle Interlude ;D

Goodluck dudes.

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Another, another, another, Another, another, another, Another, another, another, Another, another, another


..and finally another IT Project.


My question is: whats the point?


CREATE ONE SERIOUS PROJECT instead of billions failed ones.

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Another, another, another, Another, another, another, Another, another, another, Another, another, another


..and finally another IT Project.


My question is: whats the point?


CREATE ONE SERIOUS PROJECT instead of billions failed ones.

You have right,but how you know that this,it isn't the serious one? :)

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another another another?

this and a suggestion or a complaint?

or just another flooder?

pq friend to find out who am I kidding vera not come, not only a developer known as you and others but so far I have not played with the project, fix things up because they do not own the team fixed

then the friend will not help, please do not question who tried to help, why are so many out there who are able to post there for a good design, even my view not posted anything concrete to anyone, but ask that you try to create something to help me already realized are great

I would be happy to show you the entire project if something doubt

I have saved all of it from the beginning and all corrections and changes made if you think that I am only one person that changes handful of Imports and says he created a project

I will be happy to show you all my joke


unfortunately cannot post other links to other forums to see the support you have given to the project with some of over 1200 people following the project, and me reporting errors to be corrected


I believed in jenova, not my fault the esenvolvedores not have believed, so grateful for all the source code, but changed the name cuz after that I thinned it within my knowledge to fix the bugs, and to cosntar tenhu my server and several clients based on my online ja packs a good time or someone believed in my game

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@ CrazyDeagle

friend will be organizing a list of what the pack contains, not had time yet pq as was organizing the timeline again and svn could not create the list, and had to eprder time responding to some flooder ¬ ¬ '

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